Addressing the legal questions: IBEC hosts CIBER-BBN conference on advanced therapies

More than 60 researchers, medical professionals, company representatives and other interested participants from the health sector came to IBEC on 5 October for a CIBER-BBN conference, “Investigación y desarrollo de terapias avanzadas: introducción en aspectos regulatorios” (Research and development of Advanced Therapies: an introduction to regulatory aspects).

El Pais: “Cuestión de límites”

“A Question of Limits” – an article written by associate director Josep Samitier to accompany a feature by El Pais journalist Mónica López Ferrado, “Los ‘nanoriesgos’ no son tan diminutos” (“‘Nanorisks’ are not so small’).

IBEC lends nanotech expertise to national exhibition

If you’ve ever wanted to move an object using the power of your mind, predict the spread of a virus and the development of a pandemic, or watch a mini robot travel through the body to deliver a drug, you need look no further than the new Tecnorevolució exhibition, which has been created with IBEC’s associate director Josep Samitier as scientific adviser.

IBEC/Biopol’H news in El Far

The Baix Llobregat-based weekly El Far mentions the signature of the agreement between IBEC and the Biopol’H consortium which took place on September 17. 

Famous for five minutes: TV3

IBEC Project manager Juan Fran Sangüesa made the news on 22 September when he was interviewed for the midday bulletin on TV3, the Catalan television channel.

IBEC signs agreement with Biopol’H

On Friday 17 September the directorate of IBEC attended the official signing of a Framework Agreement between the institute and the Biolpol’H consortium, a biomedical and biotechnology cluster of health care facilities, institutions, research centres and companies.

PNAS paper for IBEC researchers

Maria Garcia-Parajo’s group has the first major paper to appear after the summer break with their 31 August publication in PNAS of ‘Direct mapping of nanoscale compositional connectivity on intact cell membranes’.

In their research into the cell membrane, where preorganised components give rise to strategic advantages for protein function and signaling, Maria and her Single Molecule Bionanophotonics team have been looking at lipid rafts – free-floating membrane regions of proteins and lipids – and have now demonstrated their cholesterol-mediated selective connectivity at the nanoscale.