Memorandum of Understanding

Tsukuba, Japan. On 24th of July NIMS (National Institute for Materials Science) of Japan, and IBEC (Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for collaboration on the “Design of Biomaterials Surfaces and Biosensors for Cell Function Manipulation and Analysis”.

Advances in neuronal regeneration

Prof. José Antonio del Río, leader of the Molecular and Cellular Neurobiotechnology research line at IBEC, has participated in a study on neural regeneration published in the journal Chemistry and Biology of the Cell group.

Feeling and pressing the cytoplasm

IBEC researcher in collaboration with a Harvard-led team in PNAS

Imagine an opaque bag in front of you and you wish to figure out what’s inside, what would you do? You can’t open it. So you press and you feel the content, then you might be able to tell whether it is a bag of glass beads or soft balls.

Discovery of the key to the success of some of the most virulent bacteria

Researchers at IBEC, IRB Barcelona and the UB identify the strategy used by enterobacteria to acquire resistance and pathogenicity.

The increase in the number of infections caused by multi-resistant bacteria is a growing public health concern, above all in hospital settings, where infections of this kind may have serious consequences.

SMALL cover for researchers

The first cover of a top nano-science journal this month features the work of several IBEC researchers. The journal Small (Volume 5. No. 11 – June 5 2009) dedicates its cover to a paper published by four researchers from IBEC´s BioNanoPhotonics group led by Dra. María García-Parajo and two scientists from the Nijmegen Center for Molecular Life Sciences (NCMLS), in the Netherlands.

Researcher at IBEC publishes in Nature Physics

An article by Dr. Xavier Trepat, senior researcher of IBEC´s Cellular and respiratory biomechanics group and the Department of Physiology Sciences of the University of Barcelona, contributes for the first time an experimental answer to the question of how cells move during biological processes as diverse as the development, metastasis, or regeneration of tissues.

SAB annual meeting

Members of IBEC Scientific Advisory Board and the directors of the Institute held their annual meeting, to follow up on the scientific activities developed by the fourteen lines of research that operate in the centre.