IBEC Seminar: Marina Martínez
Sala 1, Torre D, PCB Baldiri Reixac 4-8, 08028 BarcelonaHow to improve proposals & strategy within Horizon 2020
How to improve proposals & strategy within Horizon 2020
How to improve proposals & strategy within Horizon 2020
The new IBEC Bio-AFM system: system's performance, applications and users' guide
The new IBEC Bio-AFM system: system's performance, applications and users' guide
A Short (Hi)story of Malaria
A Short (Hi)story of Malaria
DNA Nanotechnology: from its Applications to the Self-Assembly in Alternative Solvents
DNA Nanotechnology: from its Applications to the Self-Assembly in Alternative Solvents
Engineering Vascularized Tissue Constructs
Engineering Vascularized Tissue Constructs