IBEC Seminar: Miquel Bosch Pita
The molecular mechanisms of memory persistence: imaging how single synapses learn in real time
The molecular mechanisms of memory persistence: imaging how single synapses learn in real time
The molecular mechanisms of memory persistence: imaging how single synapses learn in real time
Optogenetic control of arousal
Optogenetic control of arousal
Low-copy number biomolecular analysis with dielectrophoretic enrichment /trapping via molecular dam and plasmonic electrode nanogaps
Low-copy number biomolecular analysis with dielectrophoretic enrichment /trapping via molecular dam and plasmonic electrode nanogaps
Data evaluation in Metabolomics, preprocessing, analysis and biological enrichment
Data evaluation in Metabolomics, preprocessing, analysis and biological enrichment
Bioplasmonics in nanofabrication, biosensing and nanomedicine
Bioplasmonics in nanofabrication, biosensing and nanomedicine