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IBEC Seminar: Jaap den Toonder

Sala Baobab, Tower I, Floor 11 Baldiri i Reixac, Barcelona

Microfluidic technology enabling biomedical applications Jaap den Toonder, Microsystems Research Section, Department of Mechanical Engineering, and Institute for Complex Molecular Systems, Eindhoven University of Technology. Currently, visiting professor at IBEC, ... Read more

PhD Discussions: Thomas Wilson and Judith Fuentes

Sala Baobab, Tower I, Floor 11 Baldiri i Reixac, Barcelona

Multiscale buckling of epithelial shells Thomas Wilson, Integrative Cell and Tissue Dynamics group Numerous natural and engineered structures are shaped as thin curved shells. When subjected to excessive compressive loading, ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defense: Karen Wells Cembrano

Development of 3D in vitro platforms for the study of muscle function and axonal growth and regeneration Author: Karen Wells Cembrano, Molecular and cellular neurobiotechnology group Reading date: 27/10/2023 Reading ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defense: Maria Gallo

Aula Marga, Hospital Clinic

Human Pluripotent stem cells: towards the definition of the new engineering approaches to target heart and kidney disease Author: Maria Gallo, Pluripotency for organ regeneration group Reading date: 8/11/2023 Reading ... Read more

IBEC Seminar: Josep Puigmartí-Luis

Sala Baobab, Tower I, Floor 11 Baldiri i Reixac, Barcelona

What can microfluidic technologies offer during self-assembly processes? Josep Puigmartí-Luis, Departament de Ciència dels Materials i Química Física, Institut de Química Teòrica i Computacional (invited by César Rodriguez-Emmenegger) Self-assembly has ... Read more

IBEC Seminar: Martí Duocastella

Sala Baobab, Tower I, Floor 11 Baldiri i Reixac, Barcelona

Toward the next generation of 3D optical microscopes: faster, deeper, and label-free Martí Duocastella, Departament de Fisica Aplicada, Universitat de Barcelona Three-dimensional (3D) optical microscopy is the tool of choice ... Read more

La Medicina del Futur en Vinyetes

Centre Comercial El Triangle Plaza Catalunya 4, 08002 - Barcelona

Et preguntes com s'està dissenyant la medicina del futur?  This activity will be in Catalan and Spanish. Des de nanorobots per combatre cèl·lules canceroses fins a músculs en un xip ... Read more


The NanoBio&Med2023 is going to present the most recent international developments in the field of Nanobiotechnology and Nanomedicine and will provide a platform for multidisciplinary communication, new cooperations and projects to participants ... Read more

Cloenda de la 6 edició de bojos i boges per la Bioenginyeria

Sala Dolors Aleu Parc Científic de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

El dia 24 de novembre celebrem la cloenda de la 6a edició del programa Bojos i boges per la Bioenginyeria on els participants d'enguany presentaran les seves idees i rebran els seus diplomes. ... Read more