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IBEC Seminar: Martí Duocastella

Sala Baobab, Tower I, Floor 11 Baldiri i Reixac, Barcelona

Toward the next generation of 3D optical microscopes: faster, deeper, and label-free Martí Duocastella, Departament de Fisica Aplicada, Universitat de Barcelona Three-dimensional (3D) optical microscopy is the tool of choice for characterizing the structure and dynamics of biological systems at sub-cellular resolution. However, most microscope architectures are tailored to capture two-dimensional (2D) information from moderately ... Read more

Plan Complementario de Biotecnología Aplicada a la Salud: el futuro de la medicina personalizada

Auditori Antoni Caparrós, PCB Tower D, c/Baldiri Reixac 4-8, Barcelona, Spain

La jornada “Plan Complementario de Biotecnología Aplicada a la Salud: el futuro de la medicina personalizada” es un evento organizado en el marco del Plan Complementario de Biotecnología aplicada a la Salud en Cataluña. Durante el evento se presentarán las principales acciones colaborativas coordinadas desde Cataluña que cuentan con la colaboración de las comunidades autónomas ... Read more

La Medicina del Futur en Vinyetes

Centre Comercial El Triangle Plaza Catalunya 4, 08002 - Barcelona

Et preguntes com s'està dissenyant la medicina del futur?  This activity will be in Catalan and Spanish. Des de nanorobots per combatre cèl·lules canceroses fins a músculs en un xip per a tractar la distròfia muscular. Noves estratègies per a vèncer els superbacteris i fàrmacs que s'activen amb la llum per actuar exclusivament en el ... Read more


The NanoBio&Med2023 is going to present the most recent international developments in the field of Nanobiotechnology and Nanomedicine and will provide a platform for multidisciplinary communication, new cooperations and projects to participants from both science and industry. Emerging and future trends of the converging fields of Nanotechnology, Biotechnology and Medicine will be discussed among industry, academia, governmental ... Read more

Cloenda de la 6 edició de bojos i boges per la Bioenginyeria

Sala Dolors Aleu Parc Científic de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

El dia 24 de novembre celebrem la cloenda de la 6a edició del programa Bojos i boges per la Bioenginyeria on els participants d'enguany presentaran les seves idees i rebran els seus diplomes. This event will be in Catalan.   Divendres 24 de novembre - 17:30h Sala Dolors Aleu, Parc Científic de Barcelona (C. Baldiri Reixac, 4-8, 08028 Barcelona) ... Read more

She leads: round table

Sala Baobab, Tower I, Floor 11 Baldiri i Reixac, Barcelona

We are excited to announce an upcoming event that promises to be both insightful and empowering – the "She Leads" Round Table Discussion. This event will bring together distinguished participants from IBEC, including group leaders, senior researchers, and professionals from management, to share their experiences and insights on leadership, mentoring, and the challenges they have ... Read more

IBEC Seminar: Dr. Neil Lin

Sala Baobab, Tower I, Floor 11 Baldiri i Reixac, Barcelona

Epithelial Cell Variability is Governed by Physics Principles and Has Mechanobiology Impacts Dr. Neil Lin,  Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Bioengineering at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Biological systems inherently exhibit variability, seen in diverse cell shapes, sizes, and mechanical properties. Despite its prevalence, our understanding of the role of phenotypic heterogeneity in ... Read more


Cambra de Comerç Av. Diagonal, 452 – 454, Barcelona

NANOMEDSPAIN organizes together with the Leitat technology center a conference on the call for Public-Private Collaboration Projects that will open at the beginning of 2024. Mª Estefanía Freitas, Deputy Head of the Scientific-Technical Thematic Programs Branch of the State Research Agency, Ministry of Science and Innovation, will present the most important aspects and main novelties ... Read more

PhD Discussions: Zhendong Xie and Júlia Alcàcer

Sala Baobab, Tower I, Floor 11 Baldiri i Reixac, Barcelona

Integrating phenotypic targeting in physiologically-based pharmacokinetics modeling. Zhendong Xie, Molecular Bionics group Selective drugging, also known as the "magic bullet," is the concept that drugs can target specific molecules, cells, or targets while minimising interactions with other parts of the body. Nanoparticles (NPs) with functioned ligands target cells with a certain range of receptors due ... Read more

IBEC Seminar: Pavan Kumar Bosukonda

Sala Olivera, Tower I, Floor 11

Smart artificial microcompartments: motility and communication Pavan Kumar Bosukonda, Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee   Nature is a continuous source of inspiration for the design of smart and intelligent materials. In particular, cells which are the building blocks of life display a complex symphony of various chemical/physical processes ... Read more