IBEC Seminar: Pia Cosma
Studying Wnt signaling activity in cell reprogramming and tissue regeneration
Studying Wnt signaling activity in cell reprogramming and tissue regeneration
Alloswitch: an allosteric modulator for the control of a G protein-coupled receptor with light / Effect of cyclic hypoxia mimicking obstructive sleep apnea on the expression of hypoxia-inducible factor
Alloswitch: an allosteric modulator for the control of a G protein-coupled receptor with light / Effect of cyclic hypoxia mimicking obstructive sleep apnea on the expression of hypoxia-inducible factor
Hybrid inorganic–biorganic peptide materials and polymers: a bottom-up approach
Hybrid inorganic–biorganic peptide materials and polymers: a bottom-up approach
Bioplasmonics: Designing novel optical nanotools for Biomedicine
Bioplasmonics: Designing novel optical nanotools for Biomedicine
Claudia di Guglielmo and Oiane Urra
Claudia di Guglielmo and Oiane Urra
Els propers dies 8, 9,10 i 11 d’abril, en el marc de la 13a edició de la Fira «Recerca en directe», investigadors de diversos centres de recerca de Catalunya traslladaran part del seu laboratori a CosmoCaixa Barcelona per convidar als ciutadans a participar als seus projectes i resoldre enigmes tot seguint la metodologia científica. ... Read more