IBEC Seminar: Ralph G. Andrzejak
Application of nonlinear signal analysis to electroencephalographic recordings from epilepsy patients
Application of nonlinear signal analysis to electroencephalographic recordings from epilepsy patients
Crowdfunding for scientific and health projects
Crowdfunding for scientific and health projects
Studying Wnt signaling activity in cell reprogramming and tissue regeneration
Studying Wnt signaling activity in cell reprogramming and tissue regeneration
Alloswitch: an allosteric modulator for the control of a G protein-coupled receptor with light / Effect of cyclic hypoxia mimicking obstructive sleep apnea on the expression of hypoxia-inducible factor
Alloswitch: an allosteric modulator for the control of a G protein-coupled receptor with light / Effect of cyclic hypoxia mimicking obstructive sleep apnea on the expression of hypoxia-inducible factor
Hybrid inorganic–biorganic peptide materials and polymers: a bottom-up approach
Hybrid inorganic–biorganic peptide materials and polymers: a bottom-up approach
Bioplasmonics: Designing novel optical nanotools for Biomedicine