PhD Thesis Defence: Carlos Pérez González
Active forces driving spreading and retraction of living tissues Carlos Pérez González, Integrative Cell and Tissue Dynamics group
Active forces driving spreading and retraction of living tissues Carlos Pérez González, Integrative Cell and Tissue Dynamics group
Active forces driving spreading and retraction of living tissues Carlos Pérez González, Integrative Cell and Tissue Dynamics group
Dynamic Systems Based on Elastin-Like Recombinamers Carlos Rodríguez Cabello, Bioforge Lab, University of Valladolid CIBER-BBN The use of recombinant technology in the production of macromolecule-based advanced biomaterials has caused a breakthrough increase in achievable degree of complexity and control on the molecular designs and compositions. Those recombinant macromolecules of polpeptide nature are called recombinamers. They ... Read more
Dynamic Systems Based on Elastin-Like Recombinamers Carlos Rodríguez Cabello, Bioforge Lab, University of Valladolid CIBER-BBN The use of recombinant technology in the production of macromolecule-based advanced biomaterials has caused a breakthrough increase in achievable degree of complexity and control on the molecular designs and compositions. Those recombinant macromolecules of polpeptide nature are called recombinamers. They ... Read more
Dynamic Systems Based on Elastin-Like Recombinamers Carlos Rodríguez Cabello, Bioforge Lab, University of Valladolid CIBER-BBN The use of recombinant technology in the production of macromolecule-based advanced biomaterials has caused a breakthrough increase in achievable degree of complexity and control on the molecular designs and compositions. Those recombinant macromolecules of polpeptide nature are called recombinamers. They ... Read more
Dynamic Systems Based on Elastin-Like Recombinamers Carlos Rodríguez Cabello, Bioforge Lab, University of Valladolid CIBER-BBN The use of recombinant technology in the production of macromolecule-based advanced biomaterials has caused a breakthrough increase in achievable degree of complexity and control on the molecular designs and compositions. Those recombinant macromolecules of polpeptide nature are called recombinamers. They ... Read more
Learning mechanisms of uncertainty and neuromodulation Jordi-Ysard Puigbó, Synthetic, Perceptive, Emotive and Cognitive Systems (SPECS) group Supervisors: Dr. Paul F.M.J Verschure (IBEC) and Dr. Miguel Ángel González Ballester Committee: President: Dr. Gustavo Deco (UPF) Secretary: Dr. Andrea Soltoggio (Loughborough Univ.) Member: Dr. Yves Boubenec (ENS)
Learning mechanisms of uncertainty and neuromodulation Jordi-Ysard Puigbó, Synthetic, Perceptive, Emotive and Cognitive Systems (SPECS) group Supervisors: Dr. Paul F.M.J Verschure (IBEC) and Dr. Miguel Ángel González Ballester Committee: President: Dr. Gustavo Deco (UPF) Secretary: Dr. Andrea Soltoggio (Loughborough Univ.) Member: Dr. Yves Boubenec (ENS)
Learning mechanisms of uncertainty and neuromodulation Jordi-Ysard Puigbó, Synthetic, Perceptive, Emotive and Cognitive Systems (SPECS) group Supervisors: Dr. Paul F.M.J Verschure (IBEC) and Dr. Miguel Ángel González Ballester Committee: President: Dr. Gustavo Deco (UPF) Secretary: Dr. Andrea Soltoggio (Loughborough Univ.) Member: Dr. Yves Boubenec (ENS)
Learning mechanisms of uncertainty and neuromodulation Jordi-Ysard Puigbó, Synthetic, Perceptive, Emotive and Cognitive Systems (SPECS) group Supervisors: Dr. Paul F.M.J Verschure (IBEC) and Dr. Miguel Ángel González Ballester Committee: President: Dr. Gustavo Deco (UPF) Secretary: Dr. Andrea Soltoggio (Loughborough Univ.) Member: Dr. Yves Boubenec (ENS)