EUCYS 2016: Miquel Bosch

mboschvidA video of an interview of Miquel Bosch, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow in the Nanoprobes and Nanoswitches group, talking about his research on drugs activated by light and demonstrating with a home-made cockroach armed with a light sensor.

La 2: Tips, 19/10/16

tipsGroup leader and ICREA professor Samuel Sanchez appeared as a guest on the La 2 magazine programme Tips on Wednesday 19th.

TV3, “Límits als avenços mèdics”

elmatinsIBEC group leader and ICREA professor Xavier Trepat was a panel member alongside IRB directorJoan Guinovart, doctor of philosophy Begoña Roman, and UAB professor of psychiatry Adolf Tobeña, on Els Matins de TV3 on Friday.

La 1: Telediario, 05/10/16

samuel-la-1-nobelsGroup leader Samuel Sanchez appeared on Telediario, channel 1’s news programme, commenting about the work of the Nobel Prize winners for chemistry, which were announced in the first week of October.

“Alianza contra el cáncer”

2016-09-15_ferreribecThe recent news about the new consortium comprising pharmaceutical company Ferrer, IBEC and the bioinformatics company Mind the Byte to study the development of new therapeutic molecules against cancer metastasis was covered in several national newspapers.