“El cerebro que vuelve”

sanchez_lavan_jun15An article about new IBEC group leader Samuel Sanchez by Josep Corbella in La Vanguardia yesterday talks about the ‘brain gain’ of having the nanotechnologist return to Catalonia after several years in Japan, the USA and Germany.

“La investigación tiene futuro”

2015 06 08 IBEC ElPeriodicoIn El Periodico today, there’s a four-page article about Catalonia’s ‘champion scientists’.

IBEC is the only institute with not one but two investigators presented, Xavier Trepat and Nuria Montserrat. They’re described as some of the handful of talent under 40 working to improve the health and welfare of society.

Bioenginyeria per fer realitat “L’home de carn”

2015 05 03 NMontserrat ARAIn the magazine Ara this weekend, IBEC group leader Nuria Montserrat and artist Marcel·lí Antúnez, who creates interactive sculpture with organic materials, such as Joan l’Home de Carn, appeared in an article together talking about organ regeneration.

“Biomimética: Naturaleza replicada”

agustinvanguardiaA two-page article in La Vanguardia today talks about biomimetics and how scientists are replicating processes from nature in fields such as nanotechnology, engineering, robotics, chemistry and materials science.

“Robots del tamaño de virus”

samprizeperiodicoEl Periódico features an interview with Samuel Sànchez following the announcement last week that he has been awarded the Premio Fundación Princesa de Girona Investigación Científica 2015.

“Estudiamos las infecciones en el intestino de la bacteria E.coli”

torrentsterrassaEduard Torrents, who heads IBEC’s Bacterial infections: antimicrobial therapies group, is the subject of an article in the Diari de Terrassa this week about his work earlier this year which identified a important factor in E. coli infection, opening the way to developing targeted drugs against the potentially deadly condition.