IBEC in the Media
“Ingenieros en ciencias de la vida”
In its Innovadores supplement, El Mundo devotes an article to IBEC and its three areas of application: Bioengineering for future medicine, Bioengineering for regenerative therapies, and Bioengineering for active ageing.
“El físico que innova en biología”
Integrative cell and tissue dynamics group leader Xavier Trepat is profiled in El Mundo’s ‘Innovadores’ supplement today.
“Discovering a key cellular mechanism in the development of breast cancer”
Alberto Elosegui and Pere Roca-Cusachs’ Nature Materials paper gets lots of press coverage in newspapers, TV and radio today. In the study, they describe for the first time how mammary cells detect tissue stiffening, which is key to the development of breast cancer.
“Hello, robot”
IBEC group leaders Alícia Casals and Santiago Marco feature in a Sunday supplement about robots in La Vanguardia this week.
“Spanish scientists develop the first functioning human splenon-on-a-chip”
The recent press release about the design of the first-ever functional 3D splenon capable of reproducing the function of the spleen, which is to filter red blood cells, by researchers from IBEC and CRESIB received lots of media coverage. Below are just a few examples.