IBEC in the Media
“Año de la neurociencia, recortes en I+D+i” (Eng)
IBEC group leader José Antonio del Río contributed to an Expansión article from August about funding for research, in particular neuroscience, for which 2012 was a “Year of” in Spain.
“Coneixement que dilueix les fronteres” (Eng)
Senior research associate Jérôme Noailly of the Biomechanics and Mechanobiology group features in an article about mobility and the opportunities offered to international researchers in the latest edition of Informacions, a monthly magazine on research, teaching and institutional activities at the UPC.
“Descubren que las células se mueven a empujones” (Eng)
Media coverage of the Integrative Cell and Tissue Dynamics group’s work in Nature Physics this week:
“Riconoscimento di nano-oggetti e virus senza marcatori” (Eng)
Media coverage of the Nanoscale Bioelectrical Characterisation group’s work in Nature Materials this week:
“La importancia de la estandarización en un laboratorio de I+D en el que trabajan equipos de amplia diversidad cultural” (Eng)
The work of IBEC’s infrastructures team features in this week’s issue of Info Prevencion, the newsletter of the Fundación Prevent, a non-profit organization promoting safer work environments.
“Una nueva técnica de control de las microheridas epiteliales” (Eng)
The Integrative Cell and Tissue Dynamics group’s recent paper published in PNAS was covered in Diario Medico last week. In the article, group leader Xavier Trepat explains their new experimental … Read more
“Separ y Ciber-BBN apuestan por la innovación” (Eng)
Last week Biomedical signal processing and interpretation group leader Raimon Jané was an invited speaker at a special institutional joint session of the CIBER-BBN (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red en Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina) and SEPAR (Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica) at SEPAR’s 45th National Meeting in Madrid.
“The lifesaving device that can smell cancer”
A video about the BOND project and featuring Josep Samitier appeared on Europe’s leading international news channel, Euronews.
“Las iPS ayudan a comprender los mecanismos moleculares” (Eng)
On Saturday 21 April Control of Stem Cell Potency group leader Ángel Raya gave a plenary lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Sociedad Española de Diabetes in Vigo (http://sedvigo2012.pacifico-meetings.com/index.php/programa).