PIONER award for IBEC student

ariadnabartrawebFormer IBEC PhD student Ariadna Bartra has been awarded a Premi PIONER from CERCA.

The Signal and Information Processing for Sensing Systems group’s student’s thesis, ‘Detecció d’estats inadequats per la conducció d’un vehicle a partir de la degradació del control dinàmic’, was selected for its “direct applicability and market-minded approach, as well as its impact on improving road safety”, according to the judging panel. Her research carried out in Santiago Marco’s group was connected to the driver drowsiness alerter developed by IBEC and the company Ficosa.

Samuel Sánchez wins National Research Award for Young Talent

IBEC group leader and ICREA researcher Samuel Sánchez has been announced as the winner of this year’s Premi Nacional de Recerca al Talent Jove (National Research Award for Young Talent) from the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRI).

The prestigious honour and cash prize of €10,000 is awarded annually to the most accomplished young researcher in Catalonia.

More IBEC success in CaixaImpulse

caixaimpulse16Two IBEC projects have been granted funding as part of the 2016 CaixaImpulse programme, which is organized by the ”la Caixa” Foundation and Caixa Capital Risc.

Cellular and molecular mechanobiology group leader Pere Roca-Cusachs’ project, “Solid tumor therapy”, and “ISCHEMSURG”, led by Monica Mir, senior researcher in Josep Samiiter’s Nanobioengineering group, will each receive up to €70,000 through this year’s programme, which aims to promote technology transfer in science.

What can we do about sexism in science?

genderLast week more than 50 people attended a special event organised by IBEC, “Advancing Gender Equality and Diversity in Science”. The morning of talks and discussions aimed to raise awareness and reflect on how to balance gender equality, and particularly how institutions, as well as society in general, can address such issues via best practices or other strategies.

The proceedings began with a look at gender and aging stereotypes in society and specifically in science and advertising by marketing and communications consultant Montse Montllau, followed by an examination by CRG Group Leader Dr. Mara Dierssen of more science-based issues such as bias in publishing papers, raising funds and recruitment procedures.

IBEC joins network that forges links with medical centres

itemas2IBEC has become a partner in the Red de Innovación en Tecnologías Médicas y Sanitarias (ITEMAS), an innovation network for medical and health technologies.

ITEMAS, promoted by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), brings 95 companies and organizations together with 66 medical centres in Spain to collaborate on R+D projects. The partners will also work together on outreach initiatives.

EIT Health Summit taking place in Barcelona

eitsummitBarcelona is playing host to EIT Health’s very first Summit this week, the highlight of its first year of activities.

IBEC is a core partner in the €2.1 billion Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC), one of the largest public funded initiatives for health worldwide, with IBEC director Josep Samitier on the Supervisory Board. Barcelona is one of EIT Health’s co-location centers, with the initiative’s Spanish headquarters based at the PCB.

The EIT Health Summit, which is taking place on 23rd-24th November at CosmoCaixa, will bring together up to 350 participants from among the initiative’s partner organisations, education programmes and external stakeholders.

IBEC and GENOMICA present NEDxA, first fruit of their collaboration, in Germany

drawing2_nedxafor-webIBEC’s Technology Transfer Unit was in Germany this week to present a new product developed by the IBEC-GENOMICA Joint Unit that carries out analysis to detect Human Papillomavirus (HPV) in a cheap, quick and convenient desktop device.

Head of Technology Transfer Xavier Rubies, as well as representing IBEC as a research centre related to health, joined forces with representatives from GENOMICA S.A.U. to reveal NEDxA, a nano-electronic diagnostic array, at the MEDICA World Forum for Medicine in Düsseldorf on 14th-17th November.

Samuel wows crowd with nanorobots talk

samcharlaYesterday evening, an audience of nearly a hundred enjoyed a special public seminar by IBEC group leader and ICREA research professor Samuel Sánchez.

The Smart nano-bio-devices group leader’s talk, Nanorobots de la ciència-ficció a la realitat, which took place in the PCB’s Sala Dolors Aleu, was one of this year’s Setmana de la Ciència events.

Young and old alike enjoyed Samuel’s evolution of the nanorobots he has been working on for the past few years – their shape, speed and controllability improving all the time, as well as finding new and better methods of propulsion – and he began by dispelling some science fiction myths about what sort of things such nanomachines might expect to encounter on their journeys through the human body.

INPhINIT programme now open for applications

inphinit_newspicThis week a new PhD programme at IBEC funded by the Obra Social “La Caixa”, INPhINIT, opens for applications.

INPhINIT aims to attract international early-stage researchers to the top Spanish research centres in the areas of the life and health sciences, physics, technology, engineering and maths.

In each call, INPhINIT recruits 57 candidates of any nationality, who enjoy a three-year employment contract at the participating research centre of their choice, all of which have been designated by the Spanish ministries as Severo Ochoa, Maria de Maeztu or Carlos III Centres or Units of Excellence.