Scientific and technical job opportunities
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Biomimetic Systems for Cell Engineering Research Group
Ref: PR_EM//Deadline: 29/07/2024
PhD Student at the Pluripotency for organ regeneration Research Group
Ref: PhD-NM//Deadline: 07/08/2024
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Biomedical Signal Processing and Interpretation (BIOSPIN) Research Group – GreenELECTRO Project
Ref: PR2-RJ // Deadline: 19/09/2024
Predoctoral researcher at the Phase Transitions in Health and Disease Research Group
BB_PR // Deadline: 25/07/2024
Senior Researcher at the Cellular and Molecular Mechanobiology Research Group
SRR_PR // Deadline: 22/07/2024
Senior Laboratory Technician at the Spatial Biotechnology Research Group
SLT_XR // Deadline: 02/08/2024
Senior Researcher at the Bioengineering in Reproductive Health Research Group
Ref: SR_-SO//Deadline: 17/07/2024
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Pluripotency for organ regeneration Research Group (Enginorg)
Ref: PR-NM.//Deadline: 14/07/2024