
by Keyword: Tissue clearance

Moya-Andérico, L, Admella, J, Torrents, E, (2021). A clearing protocol for Galleria mellonella larvae: Visualization of internalized fluorescent nanoparticles New Biotechnology 60, 20-26

© 2020 Elsevier B.V. Light scattering is a challenge for imaging three-dimensional organisms. A number of new tissue clearing methodologies have been described in recent years, increasing the utilities of clearing techniques to obtain transparent samples. Here, we describe the optimization of a suitable and novel protocol for clearing Galleria mellonella larvae, an alternative infection animal model with a promising potential for the toxicological evaluation of different molecules and materials. This has allowed the visualization of internalised fluorescent nanoparticles using confocal microscopy, opening the door to a wide range of different applications.

JTD Keywords: galleria mellonella, nanotoxicology, Galleria mellonella, Nanotoxicology, Tissue clearance