
by Keyword: maintenance

Massafret, Ot, Barragan, Montserrat, lvarez-Gonzalez, Lucia, Aran, Begon, Martin-Mur, Beatriz, Esteve-Codina, Anna, Ruiz-Herrera, Aurora, Ibanez, Elena, Santalo, Josep, (2024). The pluripotency state of human embryonic stem cells derived from single blastomeres of eight-cell embryos Cell Death Dis 179, 203935

Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) derived from blastocyst stage embryos present a primed state of pluripotency, whereas mouse ESCs (mESCs) display na & iuml;ve pluripotency. Their unique characteristics make na & iuml;ve hESCs more suitable for particular applications in biomedical research. This work aimed to derive hESCs from single blastomeres and determine their pluripotency state, which is currently unclear. We derived hESC lines from single blastomeres of 8-cell embryos and from whole blastocysts, and analysed several na & iuml;ve pluripotency indicators, their transcriptomic profile and their trilineage differentiation potential. No significant differences were observed between blastomere-derived hESCs (bm-hESCs) and blastocyst-derived hESCs (bc-hESCs) for most na & iuml;ve pluripotency indicators, including TFE3 localization, mitochondrial activity, and global DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation, nor for their trilineage differentiation potential. Nevertheless, bm-hESCs showed an increased single-cell clonogenicity and a higher expression of na & iuml;ve pluripotency markers at early passages than bc-hESCs. Furthermore, RNA-seq revealed that bc-hESCs overexpressed a set of genes related to the postimplantational epiblast. Altogether, these results suggest that bm-hESCs, although displaying primed pluripotency, would be slightly closer to the na & iuml;ve end of the pluripotency continuum than bc-hESCs.

JTD Keywords: Demethylation, Derivatio, Differentiation, Hesc,derivation,blastomeres,na & iuml, Human feeder cells, Induction, Lines, Maintenance, Mouse, Naive pluripotency, Transition, Ve,primed,pluripotenc

Villasante, A, Godier-Furnemont, A, Hernandez-Barranco, A, Le Coq, J, Boskovic, J, Peinado, H, Mora, J, Samitier, J, Vunjak-Novakovic, G, (2021). Horizontal transfer of the stemness-related markers EZH2 and GLI1 by neuroblastoma-derived extracellular vesicles in stromal cells Translational Research 237, 82-97

Neuroblastoma (NB) is the most common extracranial pediatric solid cancer originating from undifferentiated neural crest cells. NB cells express EZH2 and GLI1 genes that are known to maintain the undifferentiated phenotype of cancer stem cells (CSC) in NB. Recent studies suggest that tumor-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) can regulate the transformation of surrounding cells into CSC by transferring tumor-specific molecules they contain. However, the horizontal transfer of EVs molecules in NB remains largely unknown. We report the analysis of NB-derived EVs in bioengineered models of NB that are based on a collagen 1/hyaluronic acid scaffold designed to mimic the native tumor niche. Using these models, we observed an enrichment of GLI1 and EZH2 mRNAs in NB-derived EVs. As a consequence of the uptake of NB-derived EVs, the host cells increased the expression levels of GLI1 and EZH2. These results suggest the alteration of the expression profile of stromal cells through an EV-based mechanism, and point the GLI1 and EZH2 mRNAs in the EV cargo as diagnostic biomarkers in NB.

JTD Keywords: exosomes, genes, lines, maintenance, pathway, proliferation, rna, stemness, tumor, Cancer