IBEC-PCB in nanotechnology workshop

“Practical Applications of Nanotechnology to Chemistry” is a workshop organised by the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) and the Barcelona Science Park (PCB). Invited speakers include business leaders and scientists from nanotechnology research centres.

The workshop will be an open forum for participants to discuss and exchange information in the use and applications of nanotechnology within the field of chemistry.

The commercial enterprises that will be represented in this event are all specialists in the research, innovation and development of active and advanced ingredients for the cosmetic industry, and in manufacturing medical and pharmaceutical products using nano-techniques.

Elena Martínez, senior researcher at IBEC´s Nanobioengineering group, led by Josep Samitier will take part in the workshop. Her current research is focused on the development of new diagnostic tests to make these more specific and precise.

Regarding the conference, Martínez sees the meeting between science and industry as a positive step.

“The industry is still in a preliminary phase when it comes to nanotechnology. It is true that there are already some enterprises applying the technology we develop in this laboratory, but few still and on a small to medium scale. That is why it is important to reinforce these links and bring the scientific dimension to commercial forums such as Expoquimia 08”, said Martínez.

Narcís Homs, del Institute of Nanoscience of Barcelona University (IN2UB) will also be present at the workshop. He currently works on the field of energy. His research focuses on the development of new active and selective catalysts in the production of hydrogen based on renewable resources derived from biomass, such as bio-ethanol.

Jaume Veciana, from the Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC) is also in the list of invited speakers. The round-table moderador will be Alvaro Mata, director of the Nanotechnology Platform at Barcelona Science Park (PCB).