Scientist and engineers such as Maria Arista, Manuel López, or the Biosensors for Bioengineering group at IBEC have been recently awarded for their communication activities. And this are great news. Because stories that are not shared are stories that never happened. Scientists know this very well and communication of results is a crucial part of their daily work, writing papers or preparing talks for scientific conferences. Nevertheless, the realm of science communication has become much broader and the number of formats growing and adapting to the current times.
Organ-on- a chip video wins video contest
A group of researchers from the Biosensors for Bioengineering at IBEC have won the video contest of the Barcelona Institute for Science and Technology (BIST) celebrated last week. In this video, researchers explain the focus of their research and technologies developed within their group, led by ICREA Research Professor Javier Ramón. The winners were: Marc Azagra, Irene Marco, Júlia Rodríguez, Ferran Velasco, José Yeste, Francesco de Chiara, Jordina Balaguer, Maria Alejandra Ortega and Juanma Fernández.
Best talks about viruses and nano-bio-hybrids

Maria Arista from Nanoscopy for Nanomedicine group led by Lorenzo Albertazzi, was awarded with the runner-up prize for the Best Presentation at the 2nd Research Symposium on Coronavirus Virology Meeting 2020 by the Catalan Society of Biology. The work of Maria focuses on the characterisation of virus-like particles using a special technique called SRM.

Manuel López-Ortiz from the Nanoprobes & Nanoswitches Group led by ICREA Research Professor Pau Gorostiza, won the Prize to the Best Talk at the International Online Conference on Bio-hybrid Approaches to Solar Energy Conversion. During his talk he explained how they have successfully attached photosynthetic proteins to an electrode to study how they exchange electrons.
IBEC supports, promotes and rewards science communication
A few weeks ago, a group of IBEC researchers visited the TV and Radio sets of the Spanish Public Television (RTVE), close to Barcelona. This was not an anecdotic event, but an example of the efforts carried out at IBEC to support the researchers to continuously improve their communication skills, with the support of Human Resources and Communications Departments. Every year, researchers at IBEC have the opportunity to participate in workshops and trainings about scientific writing and science communication.
Also during the annual IBECSymposium, attendees are invited to present their work in different formats such as video, flash talks or posters. This year, the best Flash Presentation was awarded to Maria Guix from the Smart Nano-Bio-Devices group at IBEC; the most liked video at our Yourube Channel for Rosalba Sortino from the Nanoprobes and Nanoswitches group at IBEC; the best posters for Cristina Adrover from “Institut d’Investigació Sanitària Illes Balears (IdISBa)” and Adrianna Glinkowska from the Nanoscopy for Nanomedicine group at IBEC. You can check all the videos at our Youtube Channel.