IBEC is committed to turning research results into practical applications, providing innovative solutions to industry and to hospitals, and, ultimately, to society.
We carry out Market-Driven Technology Transfer, managing our projects from a market perspective. We identify and patent new discoveries and results and define commercialization strategies, either through license agreements or spin-offs. We engage with industrial partners, providing solutions that can turn into products or in collaborative research.
We have a strong channel of communication with industry and are aware of their needs and constraints at every step of the process. We consult key opinion leaders to understand market opportunities and limitations, and survey clinicians to understand current clinical practice and identify which products and services would be valuable. We incorporate regulatory affairs strategies to identify the best method to bring a product to market and anticipate what our partners will need.
- Please contact our Technology Transfer Office, who will facilitate the process and mediate between your company and the researchers.
- IBEC hosts multidisciplinary research teams, with diverse skills and backgrounds; we can offer a variety of technologies and expertise.
- IBEC is committed to fully exploit our research results, we support proper protection of generated IP and actively look for licensing opportunities.
- We understand your company’s priorities. Share your needs and constraints with us; and we can define which solution works best for you.
- We look for the best funding opportunities for collaborative projects. IBEC’s Projects Office supports our scientists and their collaborators alike to identify sources and helps them through the tricky application processes.

The Government of Catalonia, through ACCIÓ – Agency to promote the competitiveness of Catalan businesses- accredited the Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) with the TECNIO seal in 2019.

This program aims at identifying Catalan institutions that develop innovative technologies and bring impact to the R+D+I ecosystem. This allows SMEs and large companies to recognize the Catalan top-notch research and technological centres, to facilitate the technology transfer into products and services.
The TECNIO seal is an opportunity for technology centers to attract new partners and suppliers, both local and international. The main goal of this program is to strengthen the Catalan innovation ecosystem.
IBEC’s Business Innovation Board is composed by experts from leading technology companies that help the institute shaping its strategies for research valorization and commercialization and for fruitful and efficient collaborations with industry.