The project, which is led by Dr. Rafael Parra at Vall d’Hebron Hospital and also involves researchers from IBEC and the Vall d’ Hebron Research Institute, is one of only five selected from submissions from 10 different European countries, and aims to develop a high-throughput platform for Hemophilia A drug screening and gene correction using patient-specific cells. IBEC’s Control of Stem Cell Potency group’s role in the project is the development of a genuinely human model of Hemophilia A through the generation of patient-specific induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells.
American multinational Pfizer launched the ASPIRE Europe Hemophilia Research Awards in 2011 to support basic and clinical research in hemophilia A and B and to facilitate the transfer of knowledge from the laboratory to the clinic.
Image: Human liver precursors grown in the laboratory at IBEC from iPS cells generated from a patient with hemophilia A.
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