At a ceremony at CosmoCaixa last week, Joan and the other representatives of the 25 winning research projects – which were selected from a total of 369 applications – were officially awarded the grants, which are made possible by the Obra Social “la Caixa” and the Associació Catalana d’Universitats Públiques (ACUP).
Joan’s project, which receives one of the largest portions of the €1.7m total, fulfilled the requirements of the programme’s call under the theme of ‘Disability’, which looks for projects aimed at adapting the home or living environment to aid the rehabilitation or care of people with disabilities. InHANDS will use the Robotic’s group’s assistive kitchen to develop a system able to interprete ‘visually’ and in real time the gestures of a user interacting with the elements present in the environment.
Funding from Recercaixa, which is now in its third year, was previously won at IBEC by Nanoprobes and Nanoswitches group leader Pau Gorostiza for his project “Development of light-modulated allosteric ligands of mGluR4 for remote, non-invasive regulation of neuropathic pain”.
Image: Joan (fourth from left) with some of the other researchers at the ceremony last week (Photo: Obra Social “la Caixa”)