
by Keyword: dentistry

Alambiaga-Caravaca, Adrian M, Chou, Yu Fu, Moreno, Daniel, Aparicio, Conrado, Lopez-Castellano, Alicia, Feitosa, Victor Pinheiro, Tezvergil-Mutluay, Arzu, Sauro, Salvatore, (2024). Characterisation of experimental flowable composites containing fluoride-doped calcium phosphates as promising remineralising materials Journal Of Dentistry 143, 104906

Objective: Remineralising composites with antibacterial properties may seal the cavity and prevent secondary caries. This study aimed at developing experimental flowable composites containing different concentrations of fluoride-doped calcium phosphate fillers and evaluating their remineralising and antibacterial properties. Methods: Experimental resin-based composites containing different concentrations (0-20 %) of fluoride-doped calcium phosphate fillers (VS10/VS20) were formulated. The release of calcium (Ca), phosphate (PO) and fluoride (F) ions was assessed for 30 days. Remineralisation properties were evaluated through ATR-FTIR and SEM/EDX after storage in simulated body fluid (SBF). The metabolic activity and viability of Streptococcus gordonii was also evaluated through ATP, CFU and live/dead confocal microscopy. The evaluation of specific monomer elution from the experimental composites was conducted using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Results: The composites containing VS10 showed the highest release of Ca, those containing VS20 released more F over time (p < 0.05), while there was no significant difference in terms of PO ions release between the groups (p > 0.05). A quick 7-day mineral precipitation was observed in the tested composites containing VS10 or VS20 at 10 %; these materials also showed the greatest antibacterial activity (p < 0.05). Moreover, the tested composites containing VS10 presented the lowest elution of monomers (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Innovative composites were developed with low monomers elution, evident antibacterial activity against S. gordonii and important remineralisation properties due to specific ions release.

JTD Keywords: Adhesion, Antibacterial, Apatite, Bacterial, Calcium phosphate, Caries, Demineralization, Dentistry, Elution, Enamel, Ion -release, Ion-release, Monomers, Remineralisation, Resin composite, Tissue

Aparicio, C., Salvagni, E., Werner, M., Engel, E., Pegueroles, M., Rodriguez-Cabello, C., Munoz, F., Planell, J. A., Gil, J., (2009). Biomimetic treatments on dental implants for immediate loading applications Journal of Medical Devices , 3, (2), 027555

Summary form only given. Commercially pure titanium (cp Ti) dental implants have been widely and successfully used with high rates of clinical success in normal situations. However, there is still a lack of reliable synthetic materials to be used either a) when immediate loading of the implant is desired or b) when bone presents compromised conditions due to trauma, infection, systemic disease and/or lack of significant bone volume. Our group has aimed the development of biomimetic strategies of surface modification to obtain metallic implants with osteostimulative capabilities. These surface modifications will provide implants with a rapid rate of newly-formed bone growth and with ossecoalescence, i.e., direct chemical contact with the surrounding tissues. Consequently, the biomimetically-modified implants will be reliably used on those more demanding clinical situations, cp Ti surfaces treated to obtain a combination of an optimal random surface topography (in the micro and nanolevels) with a chemical modification of the naturally-formed titania layer have been proved bioactive. These rough and bioactive surfaces nucleate and grow a homogeneous hydroxyapatite layer both in vitro and in vivo. They stimulate the osteoblasts differentiation and trigger a rapid bone formation that mechanically fixes implants under immediate-loading conditions. A simple process using silane chemistry has been proved specific, rapid, and reliable to covalently immobilize biomolecules on cp Ti surfaces. This methodology can be used to develop biofunc- tionalized implant surfaces with different or combined bioactivities. The biofunctional molecules can be biopolymers, proteins, growth factors, and synthetic peptides specifically designed to be attached to the surface. The bioactive properties of the molecules designed and used can be mineral growing and nucleation, osteoblast differentiation (bone regeneration), fibroblasts differentiation (biological sealing), antibiotic,... Specifically, we have obtained mechanically and thermochemically stable coatings made of recombinant elastin-like biopolymers. The biopolymers bear either a) the RODS peptide, which is a highly-specific cell-adhesion motif present in proteins of the extracellular matrix for different tissues including bone, or b) an acidic peptide sequence derived from statherin, a protein present in saliva with high affinity for calcium-phosphates and with a leading role in the remineralization processes of the hard tissues forming our teeth. Two different biomimetic strategies have been successfully developed combining topographical modification, inorganic treatments and/or biofunctionalization for improving bioactive integrative properties of cp Ti implants.

JTD Keywords: Biomedical materials, Bone, Cellular biophysics, Dentistry, Molecular biophysics, Prosthetics, Proteins, Surface treatment, Titanium