Symposium on Advanced Microscopy Techniques

The aim of this symposium is to promote interactions between the fields of Biophysics and Immunology and allow researchers to provide insight on foremost advances in microscopy techniques applicable to Immunology.  At the same time, immunologists will share information in the most exciting findings in their area, where these novel techniques may have a crucial impact. New optic techniques being developed at IBEC´s Bionanophotonic Laboratory, could be “a revolution” for the field of biomedicine, given that for the first time it is possible to study molecule interactions at a nano scale. “We strive to design and develop systems and techniques that allow biologists to study in greater detail the movements and organisation of individual molecules in their natural environment”, said IBEC senior researcher María García-Parajó.

Participants in this Symposium include researchers from Spain, Austria, Germany, The Netherlands, Great Britain and United States. Two special meetings will be held during the Symposium to evaluate the status of the two European projects that sponsor research in Biophonotic: Bio-Light-Touch and Immunanomap.

The organising committee included The Institute for Photonic Sciences (ICFO), the Fundació IrsiCaixa, and the Nijmegen Centre for Molecular Life (NCMLS).