
by Keyword: Single-cell rna sequencing

Dhillon, P, Park, J, del Pozo, CH, Li, LZ, Doke, T, Huang, SZ, Zhao, JJ, Kang, HM, Shrestra, R, Balzer, MS, Chatterjee, S, Prado, P, Han, SY, Liu, HB, Sheng, X, Dierickx, P, Batmanov, K, Romero, JP, Prósper, F, Li, MY, Pei, LM, Kim, J, Montserrat, N, Susztak, K, (2021). The Nuclear Receptor ESRRA Protects from Kidney Disease by Coupling Metabolism and Differentiation Cell Metabolism 33, 379-394.e8

© 2020 Elsevier Inc. Using single-cell RNA sequencing, Susztak and colleagues, show major changes in cell diversity in mouse models of kidney fibrosis. Proximal tubule (PT) cells are highly vulnerable to dysfunction in fibrosis and show altered differentiation. Nuclear receptors such as ESRRA maintain both PT cell metabolism and differentiation by directly regulating PT-cell-specific genes.

JTD Keywords: chronic kidney disease, esrra, fatty-acid oxidation, fibrosis, kidney, organoids, ppara, proximal tubule cells, single-cell atac sequencing, Chronic kidney disease, Esrra, Fatty-acid oxidation, Fibrosis, Kidney, Organoids, Ppara, Proximal tubule cells, Single-cell atac sequencing, Single-cell rna sequencing