Applications sought for position of director at IBEC
A new director is being sought by the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC).
A new director is being sought by the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC).
In its capacity as coordinator of the Spanish Nanomedicine Platform (NanoMed Spain), IBEC was a key player at last week’s 6th Annual Conference of the Biomedical Research Technology Platforms in Madrid, which was organised by the four Spanish platforms working in the healthcare sectors.
Imagine you’re driving a car on a mountain road, and a steep slope appears. To make sure that you can make it up the slope, you reduce gears, which improves force transmission from the motor to the wheels.
IBEC’s Robotics group leader Alícia Casals was interviewed on local radio station Radio Rubí this week. The interview formed part of the Rubí al dia programme’s celebration of International Women’s Day by featuring women with interesting jobs.
This week’s press release about Ángel Raya’s Nature Neuroscience paper gained coverage in La Razón, rTVE and many other science and news websites.
IBEC Senior Researcher Joan Aranda’s project ‘InHANDS: robòtica interactiva per a l’assistència humana en l’entorn domèstic’ has been awarded funding by the RecerCaixa programme.
An interview with IBEC group leader Raimon Jané appears in the latest edition of CIBER-BBN’s newsletter.
Further coverage of the driver drowsiness alerter Somnoalert® developed by IBEC and Ficosa has appeared today in El Mundo and