“Researching research”

IBEC featured on 8tv’s ‘Equip de Reporters’ programme on Sunday night, which was entitled ‘Investigant la investigació’ and focussed on public and private funding for science. Joan Aranda of the Robotics group demonstrated the experimental robotic kitchen as as example of the group’s privately-supported work in developing intelligent robotic systems. Head of Corporate Projects Arantxa Sanz commented on the current financial situation in relation to the research community, pointing out that private funding is always needed and welcome even in affluent times.

Finding ways to tackle the crisis

Before Christmas, IBEC’s associate director Josep Samitier was a panel member and speaker at a session of the seminar series ‘Nous horitzons per a l’economia metropolitana’ entitled ‘La salut, un gran potencial’. The seminar series seeks to strengthen public policies and private actions in those sectors, such as health, which have the ability to generate or export business successfully in spite of the prolonged financial crisis.

Immortalised in a card game

IBEC’s Alícia Casals is one of the famous Catalans featured in a new card game aimed at familiarising children with scientific vocabulary.

“Control celular mediante luz” (Eng)

The Nanoprobes and Nanoswitches group’s research into light as a tool to manipulate biological and pharmacological processes remotely and non-invasively was featured last week in Investigación y Ciencia, the Spanish version of Scientific American.