Immortalised in a card game

The Robotics group leader was chosen as a suitably notable representative of the field of industrial engineering in the educational game “La paciència és la mare de la ciència”, and her set of cards describe her work on advances in robotic systems for surgery. Other Catalans featured include architect Antoni Gaudi, inventor of the submarine Narcis Monturiol, and linguist Pompeu Fabra.


The game has been created for the “Juga amb paraules de la ciència” exhibition, which ran throughout the autumn at the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC). The exhibition, which was the brainchild of IEC’s Secció de Ciències i Tecnologia and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, features this and four other interactive games to help children learn, remember and understand fundamental terms in various fields of science by playing with words, meanings and patterns.

“The basic vocabulary of science is the first stepping stone in accessing scientific knowledge,” says Rosa Estopà, UPF professor and coordinator of the project. “Learning these words makes children’s understanding of the sciences more solid from the beginning.”

“I was delighted to be chosen to contribute to this initiative aimed at encouraging young people’s interest in the scientific and technological world,” adds Alícia.

The exhibition ended its run in Barcelona before Christmas and has now embarked on a tour of other institutions and centres throughout Spain.