New Light Technique Developed to Observe Real-Time Cellular Activity on a Nanometric Scale

In any biological process, multiple interactions occurring at the molecular level make it impossible to observe live cells in real time, because light microscopes cannot focus light at scales of less than 350 nanometres. 

New breakthroughs in nanophotonics, however, will shortly enable us to visualise molecular processes at an optical resolution of ten nanometres, according to researcher María García-Parajo, head of the Bionanophotonics Laboratory at IBEC.

IBEC participates in the Mater Project

Mater is a Fomento de las Artes y del Diseño (FAD) project for the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, born from the increasing importance of materials in the development of our society. It starts with the exhibition “Mater in progress. New materials, new industry”, which revolves around innovation and technological development through materials, and is on show at the Sala de Exposiciones FAD (plaça dels Àngels 5-6), from February 8 until April 28, 2008.

The Nanobioengineering group’s research in El Periódico

Last Monday 14 January, the newspaper El Periódico de Catalunya highlighted the importance of research into stem cells for therapeutic applications, and specifically the research carried out at IBEC by the research group led by Prof. Josep Samitier, which studies micro/nanosystems for biomedical applications.

Presentation of IBEC in La Vanguardia

Regarding the IBEC Bioengineering and Nanomedicine Symposium 2007 held last November 7, in which the Institute was presented in public, the Catalan newspaper La Vanguardia published the following news in its printed edition on November 8.

IBEC in Spanish newspaper Expansión

Under the headline ‘El Institut de Bioenginyeria tendrá 150 investigadores’, the Spanish newspaper Expansión published an article on the IBEC presentation last November 7 in its printed edition on November 8.

IBEC’s group on Bionanophotonics publishes article on cover page of ChemPhysChem

IBEC’s Bionanophotonics research line, led by Prof. María García-Parajo, together with researchers from Mesa+ Institute for Technology of the University of Twente (The Netherlands), the Nijmegen Center for Molecular Life Sciences (The Netherlands) and the Institute of Photonic Sciences (Barcelona) have been given the cover page of the July 16 ChemPhysChem issue (Volume 8 Issue 10).