BIYSC: helping students unlock their potential

A hundred undergraduate students aged between 16 and 19 are participating in this first edition of BIYSC, which is organised by the Catalunya-La Pedrera Foundation. As well as the lectures from leading scientists, BIYSC’s calendar of events offer debates and discussions with the directors of international research centres, including IBEC’s director, Josep Samitier; visits to those centres; the chance to work in on the project in a lab; and many social activities. Yesterday Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies group leader Elisabeth Engel gave a talk, “Biomaterials, beyond a simple template” at Mon San Benet as part of the lectures schedule of BIYSC, and nine students are coming to IBEC on Friday 15th July to start the hands-on part of the project.

BIYSC is taking place from July 11th to 22nd.

biyscelperiodicoIBEC in the Media:

BIYSC – and IBEC’s involvement – was mentioned in an article in El Periódico earlier in the year that discussed the importance of early and hands-on learning to encourage scientific vocation, and saying that experts advise less reliance on textbooks and memorization in the teaching of scientific subjects.