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PhD Discussions Sessions: Xarxa Quiroga and Adrián López

IBEC, floor 11, Tower I Baldiri Reixac 4-8, 08028 Barcelona, Spain

Biochemical responses to cell membrane mechanical remodelling Xarxa Quiroga, Cellular and molecular mechanobiologyIn a range of physiological processes, from extravasation to endocytosis, cells are constantly submitted to morphological changes, which eventually entail plasma membrane reshaping and adaptation. This remodelling could be harnessed by cells to detect and respond to shape changes, enabling mechanosensing mechanisms. However, ... Read more

PhD Discussions Sessions: Xarxa Quiroga and Adrián López

IBEC, floor 11, Tower I Baldiri Reixac 4-8, 08028 Barcelona, Spain

Biochemical responses to cell membrane mechanical remodelling Xarxa Quiroga, Cellular and molecular mechanobiologyIn a range of physiological processes, from extravasation to endocytosis, cells are constantly submitted to morphological changes, which eventually entail plasma membrane reshaping and adaptation. This remodelling could be harnessed by cells to detect and respond to shape changes, enabling mechanosensing mechanisms. However, ... Read more

PhD Discussions Sessions: Xarxa Quiroga and Adrián López

IBEC, floor 11, Tower I Baldiri Reixac 4-8, 08028 Barcelona, Spain

Biochemical responses to cell membrane mechanical remodelling Xarxa Quiroga, Cellular and molecular mechanobiologyIn a range of physiological processes, from extravasation to endocytosis, cells are constantly submitted to morphological changes, which eventually entail plasma membrane reshaping and adaptation. This remodelling could be harnessed by cells to detect and respond to shape changes, enabling mechanosensing mechanisms. However, ... Read more

PhD Discussions Sessions: Xarxa Quiroga and Adrián López

IBEC, floor 11, Tower I Baldiri Reixac 4-8, 08028 Barcelona, Spain

Biochemical responses to cell membrane mechanical remodelling Xarxa Quiroga, Cellular and molecular mechanobiologyIn a range of physiological processes, from extravasation to endocytosis, cells are constantly submitted to morphological changes, which eventually entail plasma membrane reshaping and adaptation. This remodelling could be harnessed by cells to detect and respond to shape changes, enabling mechanosensing mechanisms. However, ... Read more


IBEC, floor 11, Tower I Baldiri Reixac 4-8, 08028 Barcelona, Spain

Mecanobiologia : les cèl·lules fan forces El cos humà està constantment sotmès a forces físiques; quan et fas una ferida, les cèl·lules del teixit circumdant apliquen forces per sanar l'àrea danyada. De la mateixa manera, les cèl·lules canceroses apliquen forces per escampar-se a altres parts sanes del cos en forma de metàstasi. Els investigadors de ... Read more

Online IBEC Seminar: Javier Ramón

Bioprinting methods for organ-on-a-chip applications Javier Ramón , IBEC Engineered tissues in three-dimensional (3D) cell culture platforms that resemble the complex native structure and organization can be used as in vitro models to study tissues physiology and metabolism. Our technology allows us to develop a new platform to model metabolic and muscle diseases in vitro ... Read more

Online IBEC Seminar: Lorenzo Albertazzi

A super-resolved look at nanomedicine Lorenzo Albertazzi , IBEC Nanomaterials revolutionized the field of biomedicine introducing innovative approaches towards drug delivery, molecular imaging, regenerative medicine and biosensing. However, despite the large investments in nanotechnology the translation into clinical applications is still unsatisfactory. One of the main reasons is the lack of knowledge about the behavior ... Read more

Online IBEC Seminar: Samuel Sánchez

BioEngineering Hybrid Robotic Machines: from nanobots to 3D Bioprinted Robots Samuel Sánchez , IBEC The combination of biological components and artificial ones emerges into what we called hybrid machines/bots/robots. Here, I will present two types of hybrid systems that we are currently developing in our lab which span across different length scales, from a few ... Read more

Online IBEC Seminar: Elena Martínez

Development of biomimetic models of intestinal tissue: guiding cellular self-organization through biofabrication techniques Elena Martínez , IBEC Epithelial tissues contain three-dimensional (3D) microstructures that guide cell self-organization at the tissue level. In the small intestine, crypts and finger-like villi microstructures improve its absorbance function, provides specific microenvironments and compartmentalizes cell types. Despite its physiological relevance, ... Read more

Online IBEC Seminar: Gabriel Gomila

Multiscale approach to bioelectricity Gabriel Gomila , IBEC Understanding how electricity is generated and propagated in living systems is key to understand many physiological processes and to develop medical instruments for diagnosis, monitoring and therapy. In this seminar I will present the multiscale approach to bioelectricity developed in our research group at IBEC, which covers ... Read more