IBEC Seminar: Lorenzo Albertazzi
Nanoscopy for Nanomedicine: looking at nanomaterials in action one molecule at a time
Nanoscopy for Nanomedicine: looking at nanomaterials in action one molecule at a time
Seminar and demonstration by ThermoFisher Scientific
Seminar and demonstration by ThermoFisher Scientific
“Multivariate Signal Processing for Quantitative and Qualitative analysis of Ion Mobility Spectrometry applied to Biomedical and Food Applications”
“Multivariate Signal Processing for Quantitative and Qualitative analysis of Ion Mobility Spectrometry applied to Biomedical and Food Applications”
LabDisk, a multi-purpose, multi-target diagnostic platform for patient management and surveillance at the point-of-care
LabDisk, a multi-purpose, multi-target diagnostic platform for patient management and surveillance at the point-of-care
The molecular mechanisms of memory persistence: imaging how single synapses learn in real time
The molecular mechanisms of memory persistence: imaging how single synapses learn in real time
“Análisis de la interacción cardíaca y respiratoria en pacientes con cardiomiopatía y pacientes en proceso de extubación”