“La Masia de la ciencia”

2016 07 22 BIYSC LaVanguardiaThis summer’s Barcelona International Youth Science Challenge (BIYSC 2016), a new initiative that aims to stimulate scientific talent among young people, was covered in La Vanguardia today, with the photo accompanying the article taken at IBEC.

“Taller sobre la cél·lula”

catakracA recent school visit to IBEC featured on the BTV programme CataKrac at the weekend.

The Escola Ausiàs March’s May visit to the institute – which included a tour and some hands-on activities about cells – is the second item in Sunday’s programme, which is made by and for children.

“La revolución de los organoides”

2016 06 01 MuyInteresanteMuy Interesante magazine this week features an article about organoids, three-dimensional cell/ tissue cultures which mimic organ structure and function, and quotes Nuria Montserrat as an expert opinion.

Two bacteria papers in the news

bacteriaThe two recent papers from Eduard Torrents and Antonio Juárez on how bacteria can cause chronic infections and new bacterial virulence markers in E. coli respectively got some press coverage this week.