IBEC in the Media
Telenoticias Hospitalet: “El present i el futur de la Fibrosi Quística”
The news programme L’Informatiu in L’Hospitalet featured the Cystic Fibrosis event, “El present i el futur de la Fibrosi Quística”, that was organised by IBEC and the ACFQ on 27th April.
“Los ratones de laboratorio tienen frío, trasnochan y están demasiado limpios”
Yesterday La Vanguardia published a special report on animal experimentation in their ‘Big Vang’ science section.
“Graphene Microbots Built to Scour Water of Heavy Metals”
Samuel Sánchez’s recent NanoLetters paper about self-propelled tiny ‘microbots’ that can remove lead from contaminated water gets lots of coverage this week by news channels such as Discovery News, Phys.org and several more.
“El tumor segresta cel.lules sanes perquè el portin fins a un altre òrgan a fer metàtasi”
Xavier Trepat was interviewed by Antoni Bassas, one of Catalunya’s most eminent journalists who during his career has interviewed the likes of the Dalai Lama, Mikhail Gorbachev and Woody Allen, for the magazine Ara on Sunday.
“Nanotecnólogo médico, guía de la información y maestro de emociones”
Samuel Sánchez featured on Oficiorama, a programme devoted to the technology of the future, which airs on TV2 on Saturdays.
“Trabajar con cápsulas mil veces más pequeñas que el cabello humano”
Samuel Sanchez and the part of his lab that resides at the MPI for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart feature in a chapter of a video series by El Pais, La Carrera Especial. In the video, Andrea Escobar, chemistry student Universidad Complutense de Madrid, sends 48 hours in Samuel’s lab learning about his work on nanorobots.