IBEC in the Media
La Sexta Noche, 06-02-16
IBEC group leader and ICREA research professor Samuel Sánchez was one of two scientists taking part in a studio discussion on La Sexta Noche on Saturday, in a segment about what it’s like to be a talented young scientist or entrepreneur in the financial climate of Spain today.
“Destacan las posibilidades de los virus oncolíticos en el tratamiento del cáncer”
Last week’s Nano World Cancer Day, organised by the IBEC-led Spanish Nanotechnology Platform NanoMed Spain, is covered in today’s edition of Gaceta Médica.
“Seis aplicaciones robóticas que no conocías”
Samuel Sánchez’s nanorobots are one of the “Seis aplicaciones robóticas que no conocías” described in an article in El Pais today.
Covering the recent Global Robot Expo in Madrid, at which Samuel was a speaker, the article explains the various applications for current research into robotics, including robots for therapy and rehabilitation, recycling, search and rescue, intelligent cities, agriculture and, of course, medicine.
“La manipulación del cerebro con luz se asienta en Barcelona”
IBEC group leader and ICREA research professor Pau Gorostiza features in an El Periódico article about optogenetics, which is booming in Barcelona.
“Unos circuitos biodegradables permiten monitorear el cerebro”
IBEC Director Josep Samitier is quoted in El Periodico today giving his expert opinion on some work that has been published in the U.S.
“Identificado el mecanismo que evita la perdida de memoria en pacientes de Alzheimer”
The research into Alzheimer’s disease being carried out by Jose Antonio Del Rio’s Molecular and Cellular Neurobiotechnology group is the subject of a video by UBTV.
“Des nanorobots pour lutter contre le cancer”
Following his appearance at Emtech France in Toulouse in December 2015, Samuel Sánchez featured in French daily newspaper La Tribune.