“Un mecanismo biológico podría optimizar el tratamiento del párkinson” (Eng)
This week’s press release about Ángel Raya’s Nature Neuroscience paper gained coverage in La Razón, rTVE and many other science and news websites.
This week’s press release about Ángel Raya’s Nature Neuroscience paper gained coverage in La Razón, rTVE and many other science and news websites.
An interview with IBEC group leader Raimon Jané appears in the latest edition of CIBER-BBN’s newsletter.
Further coverage of the driver drowsiness alerter Somnoalert® developed by IBEC and Ficosa has appeared today in El Mundo and abc.es.
Monday’s press release about the driver drowsiness alerter Somnoalert® developed by IBEC and Ficosa got lots of coverage in the news this week, including in La Vanguardia, TeleCinco and El Economista.
Yesterday Diario Vasco, the daily newspaper published from San Sebastian, featured a report and video about the HYPER project, of which IBEC’s Robotics group is a partner.
This week’s press release about the Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies group’s work on the regeneration of the central nervous system was covered in Diario Medico and several other Spanish- and English-language news and science sites.
IBEC featured on 8tv’s ‘Equip de Reporters’ programme on Sunday night, which was entitled ‘Investigant la investigació’ and focussed on public and private funding for science. Joan Aranda of the Robotics group demonstrated the experimental robotic kitchen as as example of the group’s privately-supported work in developing intelligent robotic systems. Head of Corporate Projects Arantxa Sanz commented on the current financial situation in relation to the research community, pointing out that private funding is always needed and welcome even in affluent times.
The Nanoprobes and Nanoswitches group’s research into light as a tool to manipulate biological and pharmacological processes remotely and non-invasively was featured last week in Investigación y Ciencia, the Spanish version of Scientific American.
On October 13 El Periódico published an article about Nobel Prize winners John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka, who won the prize in medicine or physiology for their achievements in stem cell research. Towards the end of the piece, the author talks about the leading position held by Catalonia in research into stem cells, naming IBEC’s Ángel Raya as one of the region’s pioneers.
IBEC group leader Ángel Raya is quoted in articles in online newspapers Público and Materia this week, giving his expert opinion about some recent research in Japan. The scientists in … Read more