IBEC in the Media
“El Instituto de Bioingeniería de Cataluña descubre un mecanismo por el cual las células exploran su medio” (Eng)
The recent press release about Pere Roca-Cusachs’ PNAS paper looking at the way cells probe their environment was covered by Diario Medico on 28 March.
“El bisturí se controla con un mando a distancia” (Eng)
IBEC got a mention in Spanish daily El Mundo yesterday, when Robotics group leader Alicia Casals gave her expert opinion in an article about the use of robots in healthcare and the financial hurdles that impede their translation to the clinic.
“Científicos españoles reproducen en el laboratorio la pérdida de neuronas que da lugar a la enfermedad de Parkinson” (Eng)
Last week’s press release about the Control of Stem Cell Potency group’s discovery of disease-specific phenotypes in induced pluripotent stem cells from Parkinsons patients was covered by several newspapers, magazines and websites. These included daily business newspaper El Economista, online science magazine Tendencias 21, and Europapress, the major national news agency.
“Bionanotecnologías: pautas hacia la excelencia”
In their bulletin for February, the Spanish Association of Biotechnology Companies (ASEBIO) published an editorial by the president of their scientific committee Emilio Muñoz, about the impact of bionanotechnology in Spain and guidelines for the future.
“Alícia Casals, Cap del grup de Robòtica a l’IBEC” (Eng)
IBEC’s Robotics group leader Alícia Casals is the subject of the February 2012 edition of Destacamus, a bimonthly magazine published by Biopol’H which profiles researchers.
“Un chip implantado bajo la piel libera fármacos a voluntad”
IBEC director and head of the Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies group Josep Planell was quoted as an expert opinion last week in an article in La Vanguardia. The story covered a new chip developed at MIT able to release drugs under the skin while dosage and timing is controlled wirelessly.
“Las Plataformas de Investigación Biomédica apuestan por la colaboración para superar la crisis” (Eng)
This week’s 5th Annual Conference of the Biomedical Research Technology Platforms in Barcelona, which IBEC is attending in its capacity as coordinator of the Spanish Nanomedicine Platform (NanoMed Spain), is the subject of an article in Spanish healthcare magazine Redacción Médica today.