IBEC in the Media
The Nanobioengineering group’s research in El Periódico
Last Monday 14 January, the newspaper El Periódico de Catalunya highlighted the importance of research into stem cells for therapeutic applications, and specifically the research carried out at IBEC by the research group led by Prof. Josep Samitier, which studies micro/nanosystems for biomedical applications.
Presentation of IBEC in La Vanguardia
Regarding the IBEC Bioengineering and Nanomedicine Symposium 2007 held last November 7, in which the Institute was presented in public, the Catalan newspaper La Vanguardia published the following news in its printed edition on November 8.
IBEC in Spanish newspaper Expansión
Under the headline ‘El Institut de Bioenginyeria tendrá 150 investigadores’, the Spanish newspaper Expansión published an article on the IBEC presentation last November 7 in its printed edition on November 8.