IBEC group leader in new CIBER-BBN steering committee

Biomedical Signal Processing and Interpretation group leader and UPC professor Raimon Jané has been appointed as a member of the new CIBER-BBN Steering Committee.

CIBER-BBN’s Permanent Commission announced the names of the 10-strong committee, which will stand for the next four years, on Wednesday.

Raimon, who will take part in the committee as Training Coordinator, will carry out his duties alongside other researchers including Ramón Martínez-Máñez (Universitat Politècnica de València) as director and José Becerra (Universidad de Málaga) as subdirector.

Xavier Trepat winner of the 10th Banc Sabadell Award for Biomedical Research

xaviertrepat2015_pressIBEC group leader and ICREA research professor Xavier Trepat is this year’s winner of the Banc Sabadell Award for Biomedical Research for his work on understanding the fundamental biophysical mechanisms underlying cell interaction and communication.

The news was made public today at a press lunch (left) attended by the President and Vice President of the Fundació Banc Sabadell, Miquel Molins and Sònia Mulero, as well as jury members Jordi Camí (UPF), Isabel Illa (UAB) and Eduard Batlle (ICREA/IRB).

Israel’s former Chief Scientist among visitors for TAU/IBEC symposium

tauNext week, top scientists from Tel Aviv University (TAU), including Israel’s former Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Science and Technology, are visiting Barcelona to take part in a joint symposium with IBEC.

With many similarities between Catalonia and Israel – which are almost neck-and-neck when it comes to research output in Science and Nature, with over 30 publications per million inhabitants and similar levels of funding under FP7 – this event builds on the fact-finding mission of Artur Mas and Barcelona-based scientists to Israel last year and is supported by AGAUR.

IBEC hosts CellMech2015 this week

cellmechfornewsThe 6th European CellMech Meeting, which is being hosted by IBEC, started this morning at the University of Barcelona’s Faculty of Medicine.

IBEC group leaders Daniel Navajas, Xavier Trepat and Pere Roca-Cusachs are the organising committee of this year’s CellMech, one of the premier worldwide meetings in cell mechanobiology. The conference, which goes on until Friday, focuses in particular on the integration of mechanical processes across scales, from subcellular components to tissues.

IBEC receives Severo Ochoa Excellence Award

marca-excellencia-transThe Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia is one of the two centres in Spain to be awarded accreditation in this round of the Severo Ochoa Excellence programme.

The Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness announced the provisional winners of the coveted distinction, selected by an international panel of more than 70 judges, this morning. Severo Ochoa Excellence Awards identify and promote research centres and units in Spain that stand out as international references in their specialized fields.

IBEC receives ‘HR Excellence in Research’ award from the European Commission

IBEC has been awarded the ‘Human Resources Excellence in Research’ from the European Commission, in recognition of its commitment to continuously improving its HR policies in line with The European Charter of Researchers and The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Charter and Code).

IBEC can now use the official HR Excellence in Research logo to help promote itself as a provider of a stimulating and favourable work environment according to the Charter and Code, which describe the rights and responsibilities of researchers and their employers and contribute to the creation of a labour market that is transparent, attractive and open at an international level.

IBEC group leader a fem.talent award winner

femtalentIBEC group leader Alicia Casals received a 2015 fem.talent Award at the fem.talent Fòrum in Barcelona on Friday.

Alicia (third from right) won the prize for “Career trajectory”, recognising such milestones as the creation in 2011 of IBEC/UPC spin-off Rob Surgical Systems. Other award categories were “Emerging Talent”, “Innovation” and “Communication”.

The forum is a yearly conference of fem.talent, an initiative of the Network of Science and Technology Parks of Catalonia (XPCAT) that aims to promote equality of opportunity between men and women. This year the theme was “Smart Time: intelligent management of time,” with the objective of discussing innovative ideas and different practices in the field of time management.

Convergència representatives visit IBEC

SONY DSCOn Friday morning representatives of Catalan political party Convergència i Unió (CIU) visited IBEC as part of a tour of the PCB.

Congresswoman Imma Riera and organizational secretary Josep Rull met IBEC Director Josep Samitier, who gave them an overview of IBEC, before visiting the Nanotechnology Platform, guided by coordinator Mateu Pla.



Samuel Sánchez wins FPdGi award for scientific research

samuelsanchezIBEC group leader Samuel Sánchez is this year’s winner of the Premio Fundación Princesa de Girona Investigación Científica for his advances in in the field of nanotechnology.

Samuel’s work was recognised in particular for his pioneering design of self-propelled nanorobots that could improve the accuracy of drug delivery, as well as having potential environmental applications.

This year is the sixth edition of the national FPdGi Awards, which are given by the Fundación Princesa de Girona and which recognise the innovative and exemplary careers of young people between the ages of 16 and 35.

IBEC’s Annual Report 2014 now available

webnewcovers_annreport14The English version of the Annual Report 2014 is now available to view online or download as a PDF.

In 2014, IBEC achieved, among other things:
– six Nature group papers, including a Nature Materials cover;
– 98 indexed journal papers in total, 77% of them in the first quartile;
– 12 PhD theses defended;
– two more ERC grants.
You can find all this and more in the Annual Report, which details the basic and translational research activities pursued by the institute in 2014, as well as the year’s news and scientific highlights, institutional alliances, tech transfer and clinical translation, and communications activities. A brand new section in this year’s edition covers IBEC’s Strategic Plan for the period 2014-2017 and the three areas of application in bioengineering.