A new mechanism in cell communication that promotes cancer metastasis

Xavier Trepat_lab1Pioneering international study supported by the Obra Social “la Caixa” opens new possibilities to control metastasis

At a press conference at the Obra Social “la Caixa”’s Palau Macaya earlier today, Xavier Trepat, group leader at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), Enric Banda, director of the department of Science and Environment of the Obra Social ”la Caixa”, and Josep Samitier, director of IBEC, described a study published in Nature Cell Biology which sheds new light on how to control metastasis.

New hope against growing threat of antibiotic resistance

torrents feb 2015 image smThe increasing prevalence of bacteria that are resistant to current antibiotics pose an escalating threat to human health. Now, researchers in Barcelona have identified a molecule with huge potential as a new type of antibacterial agent

Access to effective antibiotics is essential in all health systems. Their use has reduced childhood mortality and increased life expectancy, and they are crucial for invasive surgery and treatments such as cancer chemotherapy and organ transplants.

A major step towards repairing the spinal cord

OECs_smResearchers at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia and their collaborators reveal that they’re a step closer to optimizing cells able to guide regeneration of the spine

The olfactory system is an area of the body that can renew itself, and it does this by using olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) to guide newly formed axons – long projections of nerve cells – towards the body’s central nervous system. Naturally, researchers have already tried transplanting OECs to the spine, to see if this ability also works to promote axonal regeneration in spinal cord injuries and neural diseases.

‘Fracking’ found in living tissues

IBEC_fracking tejidos webIn an article published in the journal Nature Materials, researchers at the IBEC and the UPC describe their discovery that ‘fracking’takes place in the body at a cellular level.

The work describes how hydraulic fracturing, or ‘fracking’ – most commonly known as the controversial technique to extract gas and petroleum from shale rock layers – also plays an important role in the epithelial tissues that lining the internal and external surfaces of our bodies.

Wounds heal using a cellular ‘tug-of-war’

Researchers at IBEC reveal in a Nature Communications paper some surprising mechanics that drive epithelial gap closure in the absence of underlying layers

In a collaboration with their colleagues at the Mechanobiology Institute in Singapore, IBEC researchers have demonstrated that a kind of ‘tug-of-war’ takes place after our skin or other epithelial layer is damaged, particularly in cases where the tissue is chronicly or deeply injured.

A further step towards light-controlled drugs

MVI_4165_Researchers in Barcelona discover more potential candidates on the route to tailored, photo-switchable therapies by disproving design limitation

Last year, scientists at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), IRB Barcelona and the UB announced that they had achieved photo-switchable, or light-regulated, molecules to control protein-protein interactions – key determinants in biological processes, and therefore highly promising therapeutic targets – in a remote and non-invasive way.

Key player identified in bacterial infections

torrentsjanA group at IBEC has identified a important factor in E. coli infection, opening the way to developing targeted drugs against the potentially deadly condition.

Most E. coli bacterial strains occur naturally in the human gut and pose no harm to health, except for the one particular serotype that always hits the news, O157:H7, which can cause food poisoning and can become life-threatening in certain patients.

Virtualising patients’ spines for better decision-making on back treatments

myspine2015– The EU-funded MySpine project completes its goal of developing prognosis technology for spinal problems

– Consortium now looking for a transfer opportunity to bring its technology into the healthcare system

Even though lower back pain and spinal disorders are the leading cause of disability in western countries, their treatment still leaves a lot to be desired.

IBEC internal collaboration succeeds in measuring bacterial cell response to electrical fields

Two groups working together at IBEC demonstrate the potential of electrical studies of single bacterial cells in a paper published in ACS Nano.

Gabriel Gomila’s Nanoscale Bioelectrical Characterization group and that of Antonio Juárez, Microbial Biotechnology and Host-pathogen Interaction, combined their expertise on microscopic electrical measurements and bacteria respectively to come up with a way to study the response to external electrical fields of just a single bacterial cell.