IBEC reinforces its leadership in biomedical innovation at Transfiere 2025

The Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia took part last week in Transfiere, Europe’s largest R&D and knowledge transfer event. Representatives from the Institute were able to present the Complementary Plan for Biotechnology Applied to Health, the NANOMED Spain platform and the Biobanks and Biomodels Platform (PNBB), all projects coordinated by IBEC.

From left to right: Aurora García, Teresa Sanchis, Elena Garreta, Cristina Arimany, Eva Pérez y Vanessa Moncayo.

The Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) played a leading role in Transfiere, the European Meeting on Science, Technology and Innovation, held from 12 to 14 March at FYCMA (Trade Fairs & Congress Centre of Málaga, Spain). With more than 5,200 attendees and representation from 30 countries, this event connects the entire Spanish innovation system and boosts its international projection.

IBEC, as coordinator of the Complementary Plan for Biotechnology Applied to Health and the NANOMED Spain Platform, was a key player in the debate on advances in biotechnology and nanomedicine. Teresa Sanchis, head of strategy at IBEC, executive coordinator of NANOMED Spain and the Complementary Plan, underlined the importance of inter-territorial cooperation in the session ‘Complementary Plans: advances and cooperation’. In her speech, she highlighted the achievements in data interoperability and recruitment of talent, as well as the execution of more than 90% of health funds. She also insisted on the need to consolidate this instrument with transfer strategies that maximise its impact on the sector.

Cristina Arimany, Project Manager in IBEC’s Strategy Team and the NANOMED Spain platform, presented the capabilities of nanomedicine in Spain at the stand of the Spanish National Research Agency (AEI), highlighting the work of NANOMED Spain in promoting research and innovation in this field.

Also at the AEI stand, Teresa Sanchis gave a specific presentation on the impact of the Complementary Plan for Biotechnology Applied to Health as a key tool for innovation and cooperation. She highlighted the importance of maintaining the momentum of these initiatives in order to strengthen the R&D ecosystem in Spain and ensure its international projection.

The Coordination Team of the ISCIII Platform for Biomodels and Biobanks, Elena Garreta, Aurora García, and Eva Pérez from IBEC, attended Transfiere, invited by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) to represent the institution’s innovation and technology efforts alongside the other ISCIII Platforms, SCReN and ITEMAS. At the event, they engaged with attendees to share both the individual focus and collaborative vision of the Plataformas ISCIII de apoyo a la I+D+i en Biomedicina y Ciencias de la Salud. The three platform coordinators, Elena Garreta, Alberto Borobia, and Lluis Blanch, along with ISCIII representatives, also held strategic meetings to strengthen collaborations and explore new opportunities for advancing biomedical research and technological innovation nationwide.

IBEC’s participation in Transfiere 2025 reaffirms its commitment to biomedical research and knowledge transfer, contributing to the consolidation of a strong and sustainable innovation ecosystem.