Nanomedicine to tackle rare diseases

Experts in nanomedicine from various fields have gathered today for the fifth consecutive year at Nano Rare Diseases Day. This event is co-organized by the NANOMED Spain platform, coordinated by IBEC, and SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital, showcasing the latest advances in nanomedicine for the diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases.

Nanomedicine experts gather on World Cancer Nanoday

Once again, experts in nanomedicine from various fields gathered in Barcelona on the occasion of World Cancer Day. The meeting provided an opportunity to showcase the latest innovations in nanomedicine for combating cancer, covering topics such as early diagnosis, controlled drug release, and radiotherapy employing nanoparticles.

NANOMED Spain will continue promoting nanomedicine in Spain

The Spanish Nanomedicine Platform, NANOMED Spain, has renewed the “Support for Technological and Innovation Platforms” granted by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for the period 2023-2024. Coordinated by IBEC since its foundation in 2005, the platform brings together companies, academia, and administration in a collaborative space with the goal of expediting the translation of nanomedicine from research to the clinic and the market.