With the aim of bringing research and its protagonists, the scientists, to the public, several IBEC representatives participated in the Researchs’ Night, in different activities promoted by “La Caixa Foundation” that took place at CosmoCaixa in Barcelona.
Researchers Daniel González from the group “Molecular Bionics” and group leader Irene Marco together with Marc Azagra and Alba Herrero from the group “Molecular Imaging for Precision Medicine” participated in the “Research Fair” where a total of 100 participants could experience science in first-hand, thanks to activities and live demonstrations by our scientists.
On the other hand, in the “Face to face: micro-talks in English” activity, several IBEC researchers gave talks to an audience of 45 people. Among them, Mohit Kumar with a talk on ” Molecular machines for next generation medicines “, Zarina Naurgaliyeva who spoke on “Human kidney organoids in biomedical research”, and Veronika Magdanz speaking on ” Microrobotics: How to shrink a surgeon? “
As a novelty this year, some of our researchers also participated in “The research morning” an initiative for schools within the framework of the “Researchers’ Night”. In this activity, the researchers Manuel González, Irene Marco and the IBEC science education coordinator, Pilar Jiménez, gave talks in different schools, and discussed topics such as the revolution in bioengineering, biomechanics or what’s like to investigate in molecular imaging. More than 60 students listened to his talks and were able to speak with our researchers live to answer any questions or concerns.
The European Research Night is a European scientific dissemination project promoted by the European Commission within the framework of the Marie Sktodowsca-Curie actions of the Horizon 2020 program.