The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation has granted funds to IBEC for the acquisition of the Intravital Multiphoton Microscope. Multiphoton microscopy makes it possible to investigate very diverse biochemical processes, from brain activity to cancer, infections and their treatment, at a depth of millimeters and under strictly physiological conditions.

A new vertical multiphoton microscope for stimulation and imaging of intravital fluorescence will be installed at IBEC. With this instrument it will be possible to create a new service area in the IBEC Core Facilities called BioImaging, Multiphoton microscopy allows to investigate very diverse biochemical processes, from brain activity to cancer, infections and their treatment, at a depth of millimeters and under strictly physiological conditions. In addition to its in vivo experimental qualities, the multiphoton microscope will also allow in vitro experiments to be carried out, for example, on brain slices or other tissues, primary cultures of neurons or dissociated cells, cell lines, spheroids or organoids.
New BioImaging service of IBEC’s Core Facilities
The new service to be created at IBEC will be open access to external researchers and will represent a disruptive line of blo-imaging that would strengthen IBEC’s scientific-technical infrastructure. In addition, the new service will benefit beyond its broad scope, a wide scientific and industrial community, becoming a focus of world reference in bioengineering and biomedicine. The service will serve projects in fields as varied as chemistry, pharmacology, cell biology, neuroscience, microbiology, virology, and phototherapies.
The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation has granted funds to IBEC for the acquisition of the Intravital Multiphoton Microscope within the procedure for the granting of aid for the Acquisition of Scientific-Technical Equipment of the State Subprogram of Research Infrastructures and Technical Scientific Equipment (State Plan I + D + | 2017-2020).