
by Keyword: Methylation

Massafret, Ot, Barragan, Montserrat, lvarez-Gonzalez, Lucia, Aran, Begon, Martin-Mur, Beatriz, Esteve-Codina, Anna, Ruiz-Herrera, Aurora, Ibanez, Elena, Santalo, Josep, (2024). The pluripotency state of human embryonic stem cells derived from single blastomeres of eight-cell embryos Cell Death Dis 179, 203935

Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) derived from blastocyst stage embryos present a primed state of pluripotency, whereas mouse ESCs (mESCs) display na & iuml;ve pluripotency. Their unique characteristics make na & iuml;ve hESCs more suitable for particular applications in biomedical research. This work aimed to derive hESCs from single blastomeres and determine their pluripotency state, which is currently unclear. We derived hESC lines from single blastomeres of 8-cell embryos and from whole blastocysts, and analysed several na & iuml;ve pluripotency indicators, their transcriptomic profile and their trilineage differentiation potential. No significant differences were observed between blastomere-derived hESCs (bm-hESCs) and blastocyst-derived hESCs (bc-hESCs) for most na & iuml;ve pluripotency indicators, including TFE3 localization, mitochondrial activity, and global DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation, nor for their trilineage differentiation potential. Nevertheless, bm-hESCs showed an increased single-cell clonogenicity and a higher expression of na & iuml;ve pluripotency markers at early passages than bc-hESCs. Furthermore, RNA-seq revealed that bc-hESCs overexpressed a set of genes related to the postimplantational epiblast. Altogether, these results suggest that bm-hESCs, although displaying primed pluripotency, would be slightly closer to the na & iuml;ve end of the pluripotency continuum than bc-hESCs.

JTD Keywords: Demethylation, Derivatio, Differentiation, Hesc,derivation,blastomeres,na & iuml, Human feeder cells, Induction, Lines, Maintenance, Mouse, Naive pluripotency, Transition, Ve,primed,pluripotenc

Alcaraz, J, Ikemori, R, Llorente, A, Díaz-Valdivia, N, Reguart, N, Vizoso, M, (2021). Epigenetic reprogramming of tumor-associated fibroblasts in lung cancer: Therapeutic opportunities Cancers 13, 3782

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. The desmoplastic stroma of lung cancer and other solid tumors is rich in tumor-associated fibroblasts (TAFs) exhibiting an activated/myofibroblast-like phenotype. There is growing awareness that TAFs support key steps of tumor progression and are epigenetically reprogrammed compared to healthy fibroblasts. Although the mechanisms underlying such epigenetic reprogramming are incompletely understood, there is increasing evidence that they involve interactions with either cancer cells, pro-fibrotic cytokines such as TGF-β, the stiffening of the surrounding extracellular matrix, smoking cigarette particles and other environmental cues. These aberrant interactions elicit a global DNA hypomethylation and a selective transcriptional repression through hypermethylation of the TGF-β transcription factor SMAD3 in lung TAFs. Likewise, similar DNA methylation changes have been reported in TAFs from other cancer types, as well as histone core modifications and altered microRNA expression. In this review we summarize the evidence of the epigenetic reprogramming of TAFs, how this reprogramming contributes to the acquisition and maintenance of a tumor-promoting phenotype, and how it provides novel venues for therapeutic intervention, with a special focus on lung TAFs.

JTD Keywords: cancer-associated fibroblasts, desmoplasia, dna methylation, epigenetics, expression, genomic dna, lung cancer, mechanical memory, myofibroblast differentiation, pulmonary fibroblasts, smoking, stromal fibroblasts, tgf-?, tgf-beta, tgf-β, transforming growth-factor-beta-1, tumor stroma, Cancer-associated fibroblasts, Carcinoma-associated fibroblasts, Desmoplasia, Epigenetics, Lung cancer, Smoking, Tgf-β, Tumor stroma

Jurado, M, Castano, O, Zorzano, A, (2021). Stochastic modulation evidences a transitory EGF-Ras-ERK MAPK activity induced by PRMT5 Computers In Biology And Medicine 133, 104339

The extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway involves a three-step cascade of kinases that transduce signals and promote processes such as cell growth, development, and apoptosis. An aberrant response of this pathway is related to the proliferation of cell diseases and tumors. By using simulation modeling, we document that the protein arginine methyltransferase 5 (PRMT5) modulates the MAPK pathway and thus avoids an aberrant behavior. PRMT5 methylates the Raf kinase, reducing its catalytic activity and thereby, reducing the activation of ERK in time and amplitude. Two minimal computational models of the epidermal growth factor (EGF)-Ras-ERK MAPK pathway influenced by PRMT5 were proposed: a first model in which PRMT5 is activated by EGF and a second one in which PRMT5 is stimulated by the cascade response. The reported results show that PRMT5 reduces the time duration and the expression of the activated ERK in both cases, but only in the first model PRMT5 limits the EGF range that generates an ERK activation. Based on our data, we propose the protein PRMT5 as a regulatory factor to develop strategies to fight against an excessive activity of the MAPK pathway, which could be of use in chronic diseases and cancer.

JTD Keywords: cancer, cell response modulation, computational model, egf-ras-erk signaling route, mapk pathway, methylation, Arginine methyltransferase 5, Cancer, Cell response modulation, Colorectal-cancer, Computational model, Egf-ras-erk signaling route, Epidermal-growth-factor, Factor receptor, Histone h3, Kinase cascade, Mapk pathway, Methylation, Negative-feedback, Pc12 cells, Prmt5, Protein, Signal-transduction