
by Keyword: actin cytoskeleton

Barcelona-Estaje, E, Oliva, MAG, Cunniffe, F, Rodrigo-Navarro, A, Genever, P, Dalby, MJ, Roca-Cusachs, P, Cantini, M, Salmeron-Sanchez, M, (2024). N-cadherin crosstalk with integrin weakens the molecular clutch in response to surface viscosity Nature Communications 15, 8824

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) interact with their surroundings via integrins, which link to the actin cytoskeleton and translate physical cues into biochemical signals through mechanotransduction. N-cadherins enable cell-cell communication and are also linked to the cytoskeleton. This crosstalk between integrins and cadherins modulates MSC mechanotransduction and fate. Here we show the role of this crosstalk in the mechanosensing of viscosity using supported lipid bilayers as substrates of varying viscosity. We functionalize these lipid bilayers with adhesion peptides for integrins (RGD) and N-cadherins (HAVDI), to demonstrate that integrins and cadherins compete for the actin cytoskeleton, leading to an altered MSC mechanosensing response. This response is characterised by a weaker integrin adhesion to the environment when cadherin ligation occurs. We model this competition via a modified molecular clutch model, which drives the integrin/cadherin crosstalk in response to surface viscosity, ultimately controlling MSC lineage commitment. The crosstalk between cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesions regulates stem cell fate. Here, the authors reveal a critical role for matrix viscosity in controlling this crosstalk, which they explain via a modified molecular clutch model.

JTD Keywords: Actin cytoskeleton, Adhesion, Animals, Arginyl-glycyl-aspartic acid, Cadherins, Cell adhesion, Cell communication, Fibronectin, Force transmission, Humans, Hydrogel, Integrins, Lipid bilayers, Matrix, Mechanotransduction, Mechanotransduction, cellular, Mesenchymal stem cells, Mobility, Oligopeptides, Osteogenic differentiation, Substrate stiffness, Vinculin, Viscosity

Javier-Reyna, R, Avalos-Padilla, Y, Marion, S, (2023). Editorial: Vesicular transport, the actin cytoskeleton and their involvement in virulence mechanisms during host-parasite interaction Frontiers In Cellular And Infection Microbiology 13, 1229067

Mendoza, MB, Gutierrez, S, Ortiz, R, Moreno, DF, Dermit, M, Dodel, M, Rebollo, E, Bosch, M, Mardakheh, FK, Gallego, C, (2021). The elongation factor eEF1A2 controls translation and actin dynamics in dendritic spines Science Signaling 14, eabf5594

Synaptic plasticity involves structural modifications in dendritic spines that are modulated by local protein synthesis and actin remodeling. Here, we investigated the molecular mechanisms that connect synaptic stimulation to these processes. We found that the phosphorylation of isoform-specific sites in eEF1A2-an essential translation elongation factor in neurons-is a key modulator of structural plasticity in dendritic spines. Expression of a nonphosphorylatable eEF1A2 mutant stimulated mRNA translation but reduced actin dynamics and spine density. By contrast, a phosphomimetic eEF1A2 mutant exhibited decreased association with F-actin and was inactive as a translation elongation factor. Activation of metabotropic glutamate receptor signaling triggered transient dissociation of eEF1A2 from its regulatory guanine exchange factor (GEF) protein in dendritic spines in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. We propose that eEF1A2 establishes a cross-talk mechanism that coordinates translation and actin dynamics during spine remodeling.

JTD Keywords: cytoskeleton, expression, f-actin, factor 1-alpha, factor 1a, messenger-rna, nucleotide exchange, protein-synthesis, synaptic plasticity, Actin cytoskeleton, Actins, Aminoacyl-transfer-rna, Dendritic spines, Neuronal plasticity, Neurons, Peptide elongation factor 1, Protein biosynthesis

Andreu, I, Falcones, B, Hurst, S, Chahare, N, Quiroga, X, Le Roux, AL, Kechagia, Z, Beedle, AEM, Elosegui-Artola, A, Trepat, X, Farre, R, Betz, T, Almendros, I, Roca-Cusachs, P, (2021). The force loading rate drives cell mechanosensing through both reinforcement and cytoskeletal softening Nature Communications 12, 4229

Cell response to force regulates essential processes in health and disease. However, the fundamental mechanical variables that cells sense and respond to remain unclear. Here we show that the rate of force application (loading rate) drives mechanosensing, as predicted by a molecular clutch model. By applying dynamic force regimes to cells through substrate stretching, optical tweezers, and atomic force microscopy, we find that increasing loading rates trigger talin-dependent mechanosensing, leading to adhesion growth and reinforcement, and YAP nuclear localization. However, above a given threshold the actin cytoskeleton softens, decreasing loading rates and preventing reinforcement. By stretching rat lungs in vivo, we show that a similar phenomenon may occur. Our results show that cell sensing of external forces and of passive mechanical parameters (like tissue stiffness) can be understood through the same mechanisms, driven by the properties under force of the mechanosensing molecules involved. Cells sense mechanical forces from their environment, but the precise mechanical variable sensed by cells is unclear. Here, the authors show that cells can sense the rate of force application, known as the loading rate, with effects on YAP nuclear localization and cytoskeletal stiffness remodelling.

JTD Keywords: Actin cytoskeleton, Actin filament, Actin-filament, Adhesion, Animal, Animals, Atomic force microscopy, Breathing, Cell, Cell adhesion, Cell culture, Cell nucleus, Cells, cultured, Cytoplasm, Extracellular-matrix, Fibroblast, Fibroblasts, Fibronectin, Frequency, Gene knockdown, Gene knockdown techniques, Genetics, Germfree animal, Integrin, Intracellular signaling peptides and proteins, Knockout mouse, Lung, Male, Mechanotransduction, Mechanotransduction, cellular, Metabolism, Mice, Mice, knockout, Microscopy, atomic force, Mouse, Optical tweezers, Paxillin, Physiology, Primary cell culture, Pxn protein, mouse, Rat, Rats, Rats, sprague-dawley, Respiration, Signal peptide, Softening, Specific pathogen-free organisms, Sprague dawley rat, Stress, Substrate, Substrate rigidity, Talin, Talin protein, mouse, Tln1 protein, mouse, Tln2 protein, mouse, Traction, Transmission, Ultrastructure, Yap-signaling proteins, Yap1 protein, rat