by Keyword: detections
Fontana-Escartín, A, El Hauadi, K, Lanzalaco, S, Pérez-Madrigal, MM, Armelin, E, Turon, P, Alemán, C, (2023). Smart Design of Sensor-Coated Surgical Sutures for Bacterial Infection Monitoring Macromolecular Bioscience 23, 2300024
Virtually, all implantable medical devices are susceptible to infection. As the main healthcare issue concerning implantable devices is the elevated risk of infection, different strategies based on the coating or functionalization of biomedical devices with antiseptic agents or antibiotics are proposed. In this work, an alternative approach is presented, which consists of the functionalization of implantable medical devices with sensors capable of detecting infection at very early stages through continuous monitoring of the bacteria metabolism. This approach, which is implemented in surgical sutures as a representative case of implantable devices susceptible to bacteria colonization, is expected to minimize the risk of worsening the patient's clinical condition. More specifically, non-absorbable polypropylene/polyethylene (PP/PE) surgical sutures are functionalized with conducting polymers using a combination of low-pressure oxygen plasma, chemical oxidative polymerization, and anodic polymerization, to detect metabolites coming from bacteria respiration. Functionalized suture yarns are used for real-time monitoring of bacteria growth, demonstrating the potential of this strategy to fight against infections.© 2023 Wiley-VCH GmbH.
JTD Keywords: adhesion, biofilm, conducting polymers, contamination, derivatives, detections, functionalized sutures, nadh, poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene), Bacteria growth, Conducting polymers, Detections, Functionalized sutures, Monofilament, Nadh
Borras, N, Sanchez-Sanz, A, Sans, J, Estrany, F, Perez-Madrigal, MM, Aleman, C, (2023). Flexible electroactive membranes for the electrochemical detection of dopamine European Polymer Journal 187, 111915
In addition of a key catecholamine neurotransmitter, dopamine is is the metabolite predominantly produced by specific types of tumors (e.g. paragangliomas and neuroblastomas), which cannot be diagnosed using conven-tional sensitive tests. Within this context, development of flexible electrochemical sensors to monitor dopamine levels in physiological fluids for the early diagnosis and control of diseases related to abnormal levels of such compound, is necessary. In this work, a flexible self-supported membrane, which acts directly as electrode, has been developed to detect dopamine. The membrane consists of three nanoperforated polylactic acid (PLA) layers, which provide flexibility and mechanical integrity, separated by two layers of an electroactive copolymer, which are obtained by electrochemical copolymerization of 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene and aniline. The sensitivity and detection limit provided by the electroactive copolymer, which is accessible to dopamine molecules through the nanoperforations of the PLA outer layers, is 1.846 mu A/( M) and 1.7 mu M, respectively, in a urea-rich environments that mimics urine. These values allow us to propose the self-standing flexible electrodes devel-oped in this study for the detection of dopamine in patients affected by paragangliomas and neuroblastomas tumors, which typically present dopamine concentrations between 2 and 7 mu M.
JTD Keywords: 4-ethylenedioxythiophene), Conducting polymer, Electrochemical sensor, Electrodes, Hydrogels, Poly(3, Polyaniline, Polylactic acid, Selective detection, Sensors, Supercapacitors
Munoz-Galan, H, Aleman, C, Perez-Madrigal, MM, (2023). Beyond biology: alternative uses of cantilever-based technologies Lab On A Chip 23, 1128-1150
Microcantilever-based platforms are presented as versatile lab-on-chip devices for advanced applications spanning from material characterization and environmental monitoring to energy.
JTD Keywords: mechanical-properties, micromechanical cantilever, photothermal spectroscopy, sensitive detection, silicon cantilevers, solid-liquid interface, surface-stress, thin-films, vapor detection, Nanomechanical thermal-analysis
Borras, N, Sanchez-Jimenez, M, Casanovas, J, Aleman, C, Perez-Madrigal, MM, (2022). Porous Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-Based Electrodes for Detecting Stress Biomarkers in Artificial Urine and Sweat Macromolecular Materials And Engineering 307, 2200269
When danger is perceived, the human body responds to overcome obstacles and survive a stressful situation; however, sustained levels of stress are associated with health disorders and diminished life quality. Hence, stress biomarkers are monitored to control stress quantitatively. Herein, a porous sensor (4l-COP/p) composed of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene-co-N-methylpyrrole) (COP), which is prepared in a four-layered fashion to detect dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT), is presented. Specifically, the detection is conducted in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), as well as artificial urine and sweat, by applying cyclic voltammetry. The limit of detection values obtained are as low as 5.7 x 10(-6) and 1.4 x 10(-6) m for DA and 5-HT, respectively, when assessed individually in artificial urine. When mixed in PBS, 4l-COP/p detects both biomarkers with a resolution of 0.18 V and a sensitivity of 40 and 30 mu A mm(-1) for DA and 5-HT, respectively. Additionally, by theoretical calculations, the interaction pattern that each stress biomarker establishes with the PEDOT outer layer is elucidated. Whereas DA interacts with the pi-system of PEDOT, 5-HT forms specific hydrogen bonds with the conducting polymer chains. The resolution value obtained depends upon such interactions. Overall, 4l-COP/p electrodes display potential as stress sensing devices for healthcare technologies.
JTD Keywords: Artificial body fluids, Boron-doped diamond, Cortisol, Cyclic voltammetry, Dopamine, Multilayered films, Paper, Saliva, Selective detection, Sensor, Sensors, Serotonin, Serum
Espinoso, A, Andrzejak, RG, (2022). Phase irregularity: A conceptually simple and efficient approach to characterize electroencephalographic recordings from epilepsy patients Physical Review e 105, 34212
The severe neurological disorder epilepsy affects almost 1% of the world population. For patients who suffer from pharmacoresistant focal-onset epilepsy, electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings are essential for the localization of the brain area where seizures start. Apart from the visual inspection of the recordings, quantitative EEG signal analysis techniques proved to be useful for this purpose. Among other features, regularity versus irregularity and phase coherence versus phase independence allowed characterizing brain dynamics from the measured EEG signals. Can phase irregularities also characterize brain dynamics? To address this question, we use the univariate coefficient of phase velocity variation, defined as the ratio of phase velocity standard deviation and the mean phase velocity. Beyond that, as a bivariate measure we use the classical mean phase coherence to quantify the degree of phase locking. All phase-based measures are combined with surrogates to test null hypotheses about the dynamics underlying the signals. In the first part of our analysis, we use the Rössler model system to study our approach under controlled conditions. In the second part, we use the Bern-Barcelona EEG database which consists of focal and nonfocal signals extracted from seizure-free recordings. Focal signals are recorded from brain areas where the first seizure EEG signal changes can be detected, and nonfocal signals are recorded from areas that are not involved in the seizure at its onset. Our results show that focal signals have less phase variability and more phase coherence than nonfocal signals. Once combined with surrogates, the mean phase velocity proved to have the highest discriminative power between focal and nonfocal signals. In conclusion, conceptually simple and easy to compute phase-based measures can help to detect features induced by epilepsy from EEG signals. This holds not only for the classical mean phase coherence but even more so for univariate measures of phase irregularity. © 2022 American Physical Society.
JTD Keywords: brain, entropy, epileptogenic networks, functional connectivity, hilbert transform, seizure onset, surrogate data, synchronization, time-series, Biomedical signal processing, Brain areas, Brain dynamics, Dynamics, Electroencephalographic signals, Electroencephalography, Electrophysiology, Intracranial eeg signals, Localisation, Neurological disorders, Neurology, Phase based, Phase coherence, Signal detection, Simple++, Univariate, Velocity, World population
RIZZELO, L, DE MATTEIS, V, (2022). Identification of SARS-CoV-2 by Gold Nanoparticles Biocell 46, 2369-2380
The SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks highlighted the need for effective, reliable, fast, easy-to-do and cheap diagnostics procedures. We pragmatically experienced that an early positive-case detection, inevitably coupled with a mass vaccination campaign, is a milestone to control the COVID-19 pandemic. Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) can indeed play a crucial role in this context, as their physicochemical, optics and electronics properties are being extensively used in photothermal therapy (PTT), radiation therapy (RT), drug delivery and diagnostic. AuNPs can be synthesized by several approaches to obtain different sizes and shapes that can be easily functionalized with many kinds of molecules such as antibodies, proteins, probes, and lipids. In addition, AuNPs showed high biocompatibility making them useful tool in medicine field. We thus reviewed here the most relevant evidence on AuNPs as effective way to detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2 antigens. We trust future diagnostic efforts must take this 'old-fashioned' nanotechnology tool into consideration for the development and commercialization of reliable and feasible detection kits.
JTD Keywords: Aggregation, Antibodies, Assay, Covid-19, Diagnosis, Enhanced raman-scattering, Gold nanoparticles, Immunoassay, Pandemic disease, Physicochemical properties, Rapid detection, Sars-cov-2, Sensors, Surface-plasmon resonance, Therapy
Patiño, Tania, Porchetta, Alessandro, Jannasch, Anita, Lladó, Anna, Stumpp, Tom, Schäffer, Erik, Ricci, Francesco, Sánchez, Samuel, (2019). Self-sensing enzyme-powered micromotors equipped with pH-responsive DNA nanoswitches Nano Letters 19, (6), 3440-3447
Biocatalytic micro- and nanomotors have emerged as a new class of active matter self-propelled through enzymatic reactions. The incorporation of functional nanotools could enable the rational design of multifunctional micromotors for simultaneous real-time monitoring of their environment and activity. Herein, we report the combination of DNA nanotechnology and urease-powered micromotors as multifunctional tools able to swim, simultaneously sense the pH of their surrounding environment, and monitor their intrinsic activity. With this purpose, a FRET-labeled triplex DNA nanoswitch for pH sensing was immobilized onto the surface of mesoporous silica-based micromotors. During self-propulsion, urea decomposition and the subsequent release of ammonia led to a fast pH increase, which was detected by real-time monitoring of the FRET efficiency through confocal laser scanning microscopy at different time points (i.e., 30 s, 2 and 10 min). Furthermore, the analysis of speed, enzymatic activity, and propulsive force displayed a similar exponential decay, matching the trend observed for the FRET efficiency. These results illustrate the potential of using specific DNA nanoswitches not only for sensing the micromotors’ surrounding microenvironment but also as an indicator of the micromotor activity status, which may aid to the understanding of their performance in different media and in different applications.
JTD Keywords: Micromotors, DNA-nanoswitch, pH detection, Self-propulsion, Nanosensors, Nanomotors
Alsaleh, S. M., Aviles, A. I., Sobrevilla, P., Casals, A., Hahn, J. K., (2015). Automatic and robust single-camera specular highlight removal in cardiac images Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE , IEEE (Milan, Italy) , 675-678
In computer-assisted beating heart surgeries, accurate tracking of the heart's motion is of huge importance and there is a continuous need to eliminate any source of error that might disturb the tracking process. One source of error is the specular reflection that appears on the glossy surface of the heart. In this paper, we propose a robust solution for the detection and removal of specular highlights. A hybrid color attributes and wavelet based edge projection approach is applied to accurately identify the affected regions. These regions are then recovered using a dynamic search-based inpainting with adaptive windowing. Experimental results demonstrate the precision and efficiency of the proposed method. Moreover, it has a real-time performance and can be generalized to various other applications.
JTD Keywords: Heart, Image color analysis, Image edge detection, Surgery, Tracking, Wavelet transforms
van Zanten, T. S., Garcia-Parajo, M. F., (2012). Super-resolution near-field optical microscopy Comprehensive Biophysics (ed. Egelman, E. H.), Elsevier (Desdren, Germany) Volume 2: Biophysical Techniques for Characterization of Cells, 144-164
Near-field optical microscopy is a technique not limited by the laws of diffraction that enables simultaneous high-resolution fluorescence and topographic measurements at the nanometer scale. This chapter highlights the intrinsic advantages of near-field optics in the study of cellular structures. The first part of the chapter lays the foundations of the near-field concept and technical implementation of near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM), whereas the second part of the chapter focuses on applications of NSOM to the study of model membranes and cellular structures on the plasma membrane. The last part of the chapter discusses further directions of near-field optics, including optical antennas and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy approaches in the near-field regime.
JTD Keywords: Biological membranes, Cell membrane nanoscale compartmentalization, Cellular nanodomains, Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy in reduced volumes, Immunoreceptor imaging, Lipid rafts, Near-field scanning optical microscopy, Optical nano-antennas, Shear force imaging, Single molecule detection, Super-resolution microscopy