The classroom in the lab

To start the visit, events manager Pilar Jiménez introduced the activities being carried out at IBEC, and then PhD students Lorena Redondo and Juan Manuel Artés from the Nanoprobes and Nanoswitches group explained atomic force microscopy and its uses in the field of nanomedicine. Their presentation was accompanied by a model of the microscope built for the occasion by Lorena and Juan Manuel themselves, which they then used to make several demonstrations.

After the introduction, the students and their teachers visited most of the IBEC labs, on a tour led by Isabel Oliveira, head of infrastructures at IBEC.

“We loved the experience. It gave the students a very clear idea of what working in a lab entails, and of the importance of research centres,” commented teacher Marta Ferrer after the visit. “We would like to repeat the experience next year. It was like moving the classroom right into the lab.”