Top international health specialists on the way to Barcelona for MIHealth

With IBEC as partner, this major event aims to bring together health experts – including doctors and other health professionals, research and innovation directors, public authorities and administrations, and researchers and universities – to reflect on how to improve health systems in the near future.

On Wednesday, IBEC’s Ángel Raya is speaking at a session entitled ‘Disrupting Healthcare through technologies’, and Elisabeth Engel and Albert Hernansanz will also take part with ‘Innovation Capsules’, short presentations of the best knowledge-based initiatives.

On Thursday morning, IBEC Director and MIHealth Scientific Committee member Josep Samitier will moderate a session featuring Maria Iglesia-Gomez, DG Sanco, European Commission (pictured left, speaking at the inaugural ceremony). She will talk about the new European Innovation Partnership on Active and Health Ageing (EIP on AHA), a flagship initiative of the EC which aims to add two years to the average number of healthy life years in the EU by the year 2020, and which has more than 3,000 committed organisations in the public and private sectors.

With 1500 visitors expected to attend, the forum offers the chance to make connections, learn about new technologies and innovations, find out about international health projects, and talk about your own research and its potential applications at a meeting overseen by a highly respected International Scientific Committee of health experts from all sectors.

If you’d like to register for the MIHealth Forum, please contact to receive a discount code for IBEC staff members.