A journey through the technological revolution

Josep is scientific advisor to the exhibition, which provides an interactive overview of the rapid technological developments that have resulted from the convergence of nanotechnology, biotechnology, ICT and cognitive science (NBIC). “This confluence of disciplines has allowed researchers to make great leaps in developing applications in engineering, education or medicine which were unthinkable only a generation ago,” he said.

The exhibition comprises twenty interactive modules allowing the public to experience for themselves the radical new applications made possible by NBIC. Visitors can provide virtual ‘treatments’ for cancer by using a huge touch screen to direct killer nanoparticles to tumor cells, shoot an arrow using only the power of their mind, or try to dodge the gaze of a panel of robotic eyes that follow their movements.

Tecnorrevolución will be on show at the CosmoCaixa museum until May 2013. For more information, visit the website at